Chapter 16 making the past right

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(Later that night.) "What was Cory like?" Said Kurt giving Blaine a cup of water. "He was a loyal, kind friend. If you were having a bad day He always cheered you up." "That sounds like a nice friend." "He was, I knew something was different about him. Like every time he had a problem he would come to me. And we'd always hang out and go to movies. I should known he liked me." "You were young, how could you have known." "I guess. After that I was just really scared to come out to my parents. I thought something bad would happen. So.." "What?" "After the accident Cory's mother brought me and Mark to him room and let's us get the things we had left their from play dates and we were aloud to pick out a few of his toys to. Um. Remember him by. And as we were doing that I found his journal and so I took it." "What?" "I had to know, what he was hiding." "You still have it? "Right here. After all these years. I read it as soon as I got home and every page I cried. He wrote story's about stuff we did and his much he loved him. And um (he lets out a soft laugh) some little love letters he wrote to me but never gave me because he was to shy." "Can I hear one? If it's ok with you." "Yeah. (he opens up the journal and begins to read)
       Dear Blaine,
You are an amazing friend. I love to hang out with you and spend time with you. Your always there for me no matter what. And I know I can always count on you. Although you will never get this letter, I hope someday we'll be together. Love Cory.
"Wow." "Yeah." "He really loved you you." "Yeah. And I didn't even get to say I love you back." "You had feelings for him?" "When I was younger. But I have feels for you now and their slowly but surely coming back." "Can you read another one?" "Is this like a bedtime story to you?" (They both laugh.) "no I just think it's beautiful." "Ok,one more"
         Dear Blaine,
Today I saw you sitting on your porch so I went up to you and said "what's wrong" you said "nothing I'm fine." Then I said "Blaine, you know you can tell me anything. Whats the matter?" And you said "My parents are fighting again." I said "Don't worry they love each other they'll be fine." Then you said. "Your right thanks." Then we hugged and the way we hugged I felt something I never felt before. And I knew you were the one for me. Love Cory
(Blaine looks up and sees Kurt asleep. So he turns the lamp off and closes his eyes and fell asleep)

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