Chapter seventeen A Date Thats Not Date But More Complicating

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(The last few days Cory was Alive.) "Hey Blaine." "Hey Cory! What's up?" "Why are you in the rain?" "My dads stuck at work. So." "Has your dad been drinking again?" "How.." "You alone like to walk in the rain when your dads drunk so you can avoid him." "Yeah." "Do you want. To maybe go see a movie?" "I don't know." "There playing "revenge of the Alien invasion" "Ok Cory." (He laughs then they go to the movies.) "Two tickets to revenge of the Alien invasion please." Said Cory. "Sorry this movie is PG 13." Said a man. "Where both 14." Said Cory. "Ok, you two enjoy the movie. Have a nice day." "You too." Said Cory. (They go in and find a seat.) "this is going to be fun." Said Cory. "Yeah." Said Blaine. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "No somethings wrong, what is it?" "Nothing, it's just, that I wanted to thank you." "For what?" "For everything always being there for me. Always believing in me." "Well that's what best friends are for .Isn't it?" (He said then smiles.) "yeah." (The movie starts. Later in the movie.) "But I love you." (Says a woman in the movie.) "We can not be together." (Says a man in the movie.) "what have those Aliens done to you?!" "Nothing." "You need help." "No, I know what I need and what I need it not you." "Don't worry I get you to a doctor. I know you still love me." "No! I don't! Can't you see I love someone else!" "Who? That slut Abigail!" "No, I told you. It's. It's Alex." (The woman slaps the man) "In the name of the Lord I rebuke the Aliens from your body soul and mind." "Stop. Don't you see! I love him!" "You need help you sick son of a gun!" (Later in the movie the man goes up to Alex.) "I love you." "I love you too John." (And they kiss) "I wished the world would expect us for who we are." (At this time Cory holds Blaine's hand. Blaine looks at his hand but doesn't say anything and watch the movie. Later in the movie.) "Alex there coming for us! We have to go! Now!" "John, we can't leave." "Why?" "The Aliens will get us." "Aliens? Wha? What are you talking about?" "There's no escaping them." "No, we can. Together." (He kisses him) "now come on Alex." "Ok, but we must be prepared for battle." "Let's go." (They grab their guns. Later in the movie.) "Alex! Alex where are you!?" (Said John running through a smashed up junkyard.) "Alex! (He finds him) Alex!" (He gabs him) "John? Is. Is that you?" "Yeah, yeah it's me baby." (He's crying.) "Did we win." (He lets out a soft laugh) "yeah, yeah we did" (Alex Smiles.) "Good." (He starts coughing.) "No no no! Alex! Your not going to die on me. No!" "I love. I love you So Much John." "I love you Too." (Alex dies.) "No. No. No no no no. Alex!!! I Love you." (He's crying. The End) "That was a good movie wasn't it." Said Cory. "Yeah." Said Blaine. "I had a great time tonight." "Me too." "I'll see you later then." "Yeah" "Night Blaine." "Night Cory. (Blaine wakes up) "Ah! (He takes a deep breath) what just happened?"

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