Chapter thirty-three I Dont Know If Hes Dead

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"Get away from me! No! No! Stop! Get off me! Help! Somebody help me!" Yelled Blaine. "As you can see Kurt. Your husband is in critical condition." Said a nurse. (Their outside looking through a window.) "How did this happen?" Said Kurt. "We don't know. It could be from trying to hard to remember stuff or something stressed him out it could really be anything. We're taking him in to do more test." (Kurt looks at the room. Blaine's struggling to get free.) "Help! Please someone help me! Kurt! (Kurt looks up at him.) please. Please . Just let me go!" (Kurt stares at him with tears in his eyes.) "Hey Madison, how are you feeling?" (Said Rachel walking into her room.) "Hey Rachel, um I'm better. Have you heard anything about Mason yet?" "No, I'm sorry. As soon as we find out we'll tell you." "This is ridiculous." Said Puck. "What?" Said Sam. "We've been here for hours and they haven't told us anything about Mason." "He's probably still in surgery or something. We'll find out soon." "Screw this. I'm asking a nurse." "Puck wait." "Hey nurse, it's been like 24 hours since the accident and you still haven't told us about Mason." Said Puck. "I'm sorry what's his last name?" "Maxie. I think that's their real last name." "Ok, (she types stuff on her computer.) was he one of the twins in the car accident?" "Yeah." (She goes to a nurse and whispers to her but Puck heard it.) "Did they other twin Mason survive?" "What?" Said Puck. "I don't know I'll have to talk to Doctor Freeform." (Said a different nurse. And the other nurse comes back.) "I'm sorry we don't have the information yet." "I heard what you said to that nurse." "I don't know what your talking about." "You. You ask if the other twin survive. You don't know if Mason's alive?!" "Sir..." "Hu? U. What have you been doing this hole time when you said he was in surgery?" "I don't know. I." "O my God. O my God." "Sir." "I have to go." (He starts to leave the hospital. Mr Schue stops him by everyone.) "what's wrong Puck?" "Mason might be dead." (He runs out of the hospital.)

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