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My heart is jumping up and down . Will they like me ? I hope that my mom Sage does'nt come down to my school drunk and embarrasses me.

She always hurt me for no reason.I always thought I did some thing to her , but I did'nt.

Was my birth that painful for her to hate me so much?

I immediately pulled myself out of my deep thoughts and hopped on the schools bus.

Every one stared deep into my soul .

I awkwardly sat in the front seat and kept my head forward.

While the other students gossiped and talked about who won the game last night. I started to think about how I missed my home in Trinidad.

Me and my mom just moved here in Sandiego. I am 17yrs old and I am a senior.

I begged my mother to not bring me here , but she just slapped me and said-"Shut your mouth you ungreatful child."

My mother was my first bully , she tortured me ever since I was born.

My dad left when I was 7 because of my mother abusing me.

His reason for leaving did'nt make any sense.

I believe his real reason was that he found himself a new women and a new family.

During my emotional thoughts a balled up piece of paper was thrown at my head by this other senior named rick.

Rick was a latino jock that did nothing in class and always bullied others.

Rick sat up and said-"Hey new girl why are you on our bus?"

As usual I ignored the cool kids ignorance and just faced forward.

Rick got louder and said-"Hey cotton picking B**** am talking to you."

Luckly the bus driver stopped at my new school LINCOLN HIGH .

I then hopped out of the bus and speed walked my way into the school. I then bumped into the queen B**** Italia.

Speaking from her name you can obviously recognize her nationality. She's the most popular girl in school. Everybody wanted to be her friend/minion.
She's a beautiful girl with perfect hair and a rich daddy that can buy me and sell me , but her mom died from giving a painful birth to her.

Italia looked me up and down in disgust and aks-"We have a new janitress?"

Everyone laughed at her cruel joke.

Unlike her my food is'nt given to me on a silver platter. Between me and my mom ,am the only one that works .

Thats why I begged her not to move.She took my 3yrs of college savings that I saved on my own an flown us here and got an apartment.

I then ran into the nearest bathroom and sat there in the stall and cried.

I unknowingly went into the boys bathroom.

The boy in the stall next to me asked-"Um bro are you ok in there?"

I responded in my natural high pitched voice saying-"Yeah am cool."

I exited the stall and went to the mirror to wipe my tears away.

Then suddenly the tall darkskinned nerd by the name of Metro stepped out and chuckled and said-"I think your in the wrong bathroom."

Metro was'nt every's ladies choice , but he was'nt ugly. He's a sweet , good looking , intelligent boy that did'nt really have any friends. He just chilled out in the libary with a good book.

I embarrassingly rushed out of the boys bathroom to meet a crowd of students recording me and calling me a whore.

There was so much tension brought to me that the principal pulled me in the office and called my mother.

I hate school

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