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Ash raised his hand and asks Mr.Wells-"Can me and Tasha go for awalk so that we can go look at particular trees for our project."

Mr.Wells-"Your project is on the skeletal system JACK A** . Your lieing sucks , but go anyway."

Me and Ash got up to leave , and as we were about to exit Mr.Wells shouted -"Use protection."

Ash turns his head back at Mr.Wells in annoyance , but be just kept moving.

Ash grabbed my hand and started speed walking and whispered -"I am going to destroy his car before I graduate."

I pulled my hand back and said-"What are you doing?"

Ash-"Am taking us somewhere private."

Tasha-"Your acting crazy."

Ash pulls me in the janitors closet and said-"Am sorry , you just have me F***** UP."


Ash-"I dont know you , I just met you last night staring me down like a hawk , but I want you.I felt bad for almost kissing you , but I really wanted to."


Tasha-"Why me? Italia is beautiful and popular , shouldnt any teenage boy dream be to have the hottest girl in highschool?"

Ash-"I love Italia , but your just more ."

Tasha-"More what?"

Ash -"I cant explain it , its like love at first sight. The first time I saw you , your beautiful eyes is what caught me , then it was beautiful smile that struck me and then it was your sexy body that captured me. I couldnt stop thinking about you ever since last night.

I slightly smiled and said -"Ash am flattered , but we only met last night , and you have a girlfriend. We should get to know each other first."

Ash bit his big plumped lips and kissed my hand and said -"I would like that."

Ash then exits with out noticing Italia.

I dropped on my knees and try to not loudly freak out.

Italia comes in and shuts the door and says -"Do you think that you can take my man? Dont try me CUNT , I will ruin your life and your family."

Italia storms out of the room frustrated.

I am terrified of what Italia will do to me if she finds me with Ash again.

TEENAGE LIFE SUCKSМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя