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As I laid in my bed crying I started to hear footsteps coming up on the ladder from my window. I immediately thought it was Metro coming back for a round two. I got up and went to the window to push the ladder down so that Metro can fall , but it was'nt Metro. It was Ash.

Ash looks at me in a guilty face and asks-"Can I come in?"

I allowed him up and I then sat on my bed. He sat next to me and said-"Am sorry for bringing the truth to you in such a harsh way, but it is the truth. Metro is a A**HOLE. He does'nt deserve you. I understand you trusted him , and so did I . I know it hurts , but I just really dont want to see you get hurt."

Metro then climbs up the ladder and enters the room and asked-"What the F*** is he doing here?Cant you guys do your project at his house?"

Ash-"This is'nt your house , and we're talking about something private so please leave."

Metro then notices the tears from my eyes and got down on his knees to my level and asked-"Whats wrong? Did Ash hurt you?"

Ash chuckles and holds his head at Metro's question.

Ash-"I told her about your unloyality and how you'll hurt her ."

Metros stands up and asks-"Are you still mad that I F***** Italia?Get over it , she's loose anyway."

I looked at Metro and asked-"Are you still having sex with her?"

Metro-"No am not."

Tasha-"Then why was she basicly playing tug of war with your pants?"

Metro-"She wanted to do it , but would'nt let her. Thats what I came up here to tell you , but it seems your occupied with another N*****."

Ash stands up and says-"Am really getting tired of your BULLS*** ."

Metro-"Then do something about it."

Ash punches Metro in his face and Metro returned his punch by tackling him on the floor. There both rolling on the floor like wild animals.

Kathy then bursts into my room worried and immediately stop the fight.

She for no reason rolled her eyes at Metro only , and said to both of them-"Get out now."

Kathy exscorted Ash down stairs and Metro hopped out of the window.

I just sat there in my bed with a confused asking my self-"What just happened."

Kathy then came in my room with a box of pizza , a large bottle of soda and two cups.

She locked the door behind her and rested everything on my bed and said-"Tell me everything."

I picked up a slice of pizza and took a deep breath in and told her everything that happened starting from me and Metro having sex to Metro and Ash fighting.

As she was eating she said-"Is Metro big down there?"

I laughed and said-"Umm sort of."

Kathy-"I hoped that his D*** was as small as his braincells."

Tasha-"Why do you hate him so much?"

Kathy-"When I was younger me, Ash and Metro were bestfriends. We basicly growed up together , but they both got a taste of P**** and then acted like I dont exist , so I acted like there the enemy."

As I continue to devour the pizzas I asked-"Why does it seem to only be to Metro?"

Kathy-"Me and Metro were the closest , and for him to just act like I never existed it really hurt. Ash was always the attention seeker. He had all sorts of friends. Ash and Metro kept being bestfriends until they became juniors. Those Idiots allowed that whore Italia break up there friendship."

Tasha-"I hate Italia ."

Kathy-"Me to , she use to constantly bother me , but after I beated her A** she never bothered me again."

I was enjoying my girl talk with my sister , but she was called down stairs by Tiff to help out with the dishes.

She left the room to attend to her chores and left me with a half box of pizza. Its sad she thinks that am going to leave her any more of the pizza.

I noticed Metro trying to call my phone.

I answered and said-"Yes?"

Metro-"Why are you mad?"

Tasha-"Am not mad.Am actually over it."

Metro-"That was quick."

Tasha-"You can thank my sister for that."

Metro awkwardly said-"Uhh thank her for me."

Tasha-"Why cant you do it yourself?"

Metro-"Me and your sis are'nt on very good terms."

I sarcasticly said-"Hmmm I wonder why."

Metro-"Am guessing she told you what happened between us."

I playfully said-"Yep she did , and I guess even as a friend you can still be a A**HOLE."

Metro-"I did'nt really do anything wrong , we just drifted apart ."

Tasha-"Well you should talk to her because she seems kind of pissed about you drifting."

Metro whined and asked-"Do I have to ? Cant I just ignore the situation like any other normal teenager?"

Tasha-"No you cannot you big baby. Just have a simple talk with her to put away the past."

Metro playfully-"Call me big baby again."

I laughed and said-"Am being serious."

Metro-"Me too , ok I promise I'll talk to her if you call me big baby again."

I laughed and said-"Your so childish."

Metro-"I dont think its normal for a child to have a big D*** like me."

I chuckled and said-"What ever you big baby. Am going to finish up my pizza I'll call you later , and please talk to her ."

Metro-"Ok I will , I love you."

Tasha-"I love you to."

I ended the call and continued to devour the pizza.

I really do hope that Kathy and Metro can go back on good terms.It would really make me happy.

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