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As I walk down the school halls with a glowing smile and thinking of new positions to perform on Metro am suddenly pulled by Metro infront of my Dads office , and he kissed me.

I quickly pushed him away and said-"Are you trying to get us killed ?"

He smiled and said-"Your Dad pulled me in to his office and told me its cool for us to date , he also apologised for the way he acted."

While Metro was in a joyful mood , I went back in my confused state of mind. I dont understand the game my Dad is playing , but I wont participate in it.

My Dad then pulls me into his office and says-"Good morning Tasha have a seat."

I sat down and said-"Good morning Mr.Cash , may I ask why was I pulled in your office?"

He laughed and said-"Even when we're at school am still your Dad.You dont have to call me Mr.Cash."

I responded by putting on a mug face . At this point I only see him as a principal.

He killed the silence by saying-"Ok I understand what I did last night was out of line , but I am your farther , and you do not speak to me that way. But i've forgiven your mistakes and decided to allow to have a boyfriend."

Tasha-"Can I go back to live with my mom?"

My Dad placed on a confused facial expression and asked-"Why would you want to live with her again? Does'nt she abuse you?"

I rolled my eyes and said-"I really dont see a difference. Its like your the male version of her , you just hit harder."

Guilt and sadness suddenly covered his face.


I picked up my bag and said-"Good bye Mr.Cash."

I left his office with out a care in the world. I honestly did'nt feel bad for what I said , because he does'nt feel bad for what he said. He made it seems as if I was the wrong one.

I cleared my mind at the thought of Metro. Last night Metro took away all of my worries , sorrows and my virginity. He makes me feel special.

As I entered my science class Mr.Wells said to the class-" Ok you sperm racers , the project is due tomorrow , I would hope you guys are ready to turn it in."

I sat down next to Ash and raised my hand saying-"Umm Mr.Wells when you told us about the project you never gave us a date to turn it in."

Mr.Wells-"Well sherlock theres your date."

Italia laughs at Mr.Wells petty response.

Mr.Wells-"What are you laughing at jezebel?"

She looked at Mr.Wells and said-"You were'nt saying that at that wild party the other night."

Mr.Wells-"Your loose walls did nothing , but cause a fire. Your vagina was in a drout."

I laughed at Mr.Wells innapropriate come back.

Italia then looks at me and asks-"Whats so funny?"

Tasha-"Your walls."

Italia-"Well maybe if Metro did'nt beat it up , maybe I'll have some."

Metro turns to Italia and says-"I would never have sex with you."

I kept laughing until Ash tugs my shirt and says-"They use to date while we were juniors."

I stopped laughing and just stared forward and try to process the thought of Metro and Italia dating.

Ash then asks me-"Would you like to go for a ride later?"

Tasha -"I have a boyfriend."

He laughs and playfully says-"Tell me his name so that I can kill him."

I held my head down and nervously said-"Its Metro."

His face immediately frowned. He had no response. He was obviously hurt that am not his.

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