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After I washed up myself and placed on another set of clothes on , I went downstairs to join the other's for dinner.

Kathy smiled at me and said-"Its nice to finally have you here."

I smiled back and said-"Yes it is."

Tiff placed infront of me a large steak dinner with cheesey baked potatoe and steam veg.

Tiff-"I hope you like steak , dont get to comfortable . This might be the last time you'll eat here."

I nervously responded-"Uhh thanks Tiff."

As we were eating my mom burst throw the door and pulled me by my hair outside saying-"Its time to come home sweet heart."

As she was dragging me down the street Ash notices and shoves my mom into the bush and brought me into his home.

I held my head in aching pain..

Ash-"Are you ok?"

I aggravatinly responded-"Does it look like am ok?"

Ash-"Ok sorry for asking a dumb question. Do you need a doctor?"

Tasha-"I hope not , everything happened so fast . First I was eating dinner then I was dragged down the street and now am here."

Ash-"I dont mean to seem rude , but your mom is crazy , and wheres your dad?"

Tasha -"Tell me something I dont know , and I have no idea."

Ash bit his lips and lustfully stared in my eyes saying-"Even when your in pain your still beautiful."

I looked at him and said-"Beauty cant take away a head ache."

He laughs and continues staring at me.

He slowly leaned in toward me to kiss me. My mind told me to stop him , but my heart was in the moment. His big pink lips came closer and closer mines.

Luckly Metro came banging on the door screaming-"Tasha are you ok?"

I caught my senses and ran to the door to answer it.

I jumped into Metro's arms.

He holds me tightly and says-"Are you ok? I saw everything from my bathroom window. I had to quickly run over here to check on you. By the way what are you doing here?"

Ash walks over to us and says to Metro-"She's with me , you obviously did'nt run over here fast enough to come to her rescue , but as usual I always win."

Metro sarcasticly said-"Well thank you Rash for taking care of Tasha for like 5minutes , but she's with me now , and you can go back to slurping your Italian dressing."

Ash gets in Metro's face and says-"Dont get so cocky because a piece of P**** actually just might want you. I can still kick your A**."

Metro pushes Ash and says-" This piece of P**** does'nt belong to you."

I jumped into there petty argument and said-"This piece of P**** does'nt need taking care of. I actually liked you guys , but you both just seem like total A**HOLES ."

I went over to my house and ran straight to my room.

Kathy stood by my window and asked -"What were you doing by Ash's house and with Metro?"

Tasha-"We were just talking , dont worry about it."

Kathy-" I was coming to check up on you, but I noticed you by Ash and with Metro.It seemed kind of aggressive , is everything all right?"

I poured out everything to Kathy, since she's my sister I can trust her, and she does'nt see me as a piece of P**** like Metro and Ash.

After I finished telling her everything between Me , Metro and Ash she hugged me and said-"Those dusty N***** does'nt deserve you . Dont lower your standards for F*** BOYS ."

What Kathy said really made me feel better. Having a sister like Kathy is the best.

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