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Its new beautiful day in school. As I joyfully walk down the hall way heading to my final period class(SCIENCE) , I start to think about how awesome it would be for Metro and Kathy to be friends again .It would really warm up my heart for them to be close again.

As I entered into the class my heart immediately dropped at the sight of projects standing firm and tall.I've totally forgotten about me and Ash's project. I then turned my head facing Ash , and there he is staring at me with smirk , next to perfect model of a skeleton and neatly written notes.

I sat next to him and asked -"Did you do this all by yourself?"

He laughs and says-"Yes. I figured I should'nt allow my lazyness to affect your perfect grades."

I smiled and said-"Thankyou."

He leans in close to me and says-"Am sorry about yesterday. I know you dont like drama , but I just wanna let you know that I'll always be here for you waiting."

I gave him a friendly pat on the back and said-"Thanks dude."

I know my response was'nt the best , but I have a boyfriend and theres a line Ash should'nt pass.

Mr.Wells then said-"All of you thick skulled bastards suprisingly passed with a A. Its obvious that some did'nt even help out ,like Ash . Am sure that Tasha did all of the work for this beautiful project."

Ash smiles and says-"Yes sir she did make this project as beautiful as herself."

Metro then childishly says in the back of the class-"A**HOLE."

Ash decided to keep silent . He looks at me and whispers-"Only because of you I would'nt walk in the back there and beat the S*** out of him."

I just kept staring at Mr.Wells as he speak and try not to blush at what Ash said.


The school bell finally ringed to end the school day. I quickly ran out of the class to escape that uncomfortable situation.

I then passed my drunken faced farther that reeked of liquor and body odor.

I ignored him and kept speed walking out of the school.

I then hopped in the car that Tiff was patiently waiting for me in.

I took a seat next to Kathy and whispered to her-"Some one wants to speak to you."

Kathy whispers-"Who?"

Tasha-"Its a friend , and when he talks to you please listen."

Kathy awkwardly says-"Ok."

I then messaged Metro to tell him to meet me in my room as soon as he arrived.

He replys back with the egg plants emoji(🍆)and the smirking emoji(😏) and said-"Ok babe."

I then messaged him back saying-"To talk to Kathy you perv."

He replys back saying-"Ok."

We've finally arrived home. I held Kathy's hand and ran into my room.

She looks at Metro with an annoyed face and asked-"Eww why is he here?"

I smiled and said-"You guys will both be talking for an hour to allow the past to die."

I then released Kathy and quickly exited the room and shut the door . I then ran out side and climbed up the ladder to my room with my head faced down so that they cant see me.

As I stare throw the window Kathy throwed her bag on my bed and sat down and annoyedly stared at Metro.

Metro then sighed and asked-"Whats wrong?"

Kathy-"What do you think?"

Metro-"I did'nt do anything to you for you to be so harsh."

Kathy then rolled her eyes.

Metro then frustratingly said-"Ok am sorry."

Kathy then annoyedly asked-"For what?"

Metro shouts-"I dont know , I did nothing to you."

Kathy then shouts-"Metro me and you were bestfriends , and then you acted like I did'nt exist , and now your F****** my sister."

Metro-"So what ? Get over it , we were kids."

Kathy-"Metro you left me to have HOES ,That really hurt."

Metro -"Kathy we were kids . Why are you keeping a grudge over something that happened years ago? And why does it seem to only affect me and not Ash?"

Kathy cries and shouts-"Because I did'nt love Ash."

Metro then asks-"You loved me?"

Kathy-"Yes , and I still do. Ever since we first met I've always loved you , but now your dating my sister and to see you both together hurts me."

Metro then stares deeply into her eyes and gave her a romantic kiss that washed her tears away.

Metro flows his fingers throw her natural hair and says-"I love you to , I've always loved you."

Kathy kissed him back passionately. He then takes his clothes off , and Kathy takes her clothes off also.

He started to kiss her neck and slowly make his way down to her P**** . He then lets his tongue slurp all of the juices squirting out of her.

He then stood up and thrust his D*** in and out her repeatedly until he came.

I then went down the ladder slowly and asking myself-"Why? Why would they hurt me like that?"

As I was questioning myself Kathy exscorts Metro outside and kissed him on the lips and said -"Bye."

Metro -"Bye babe."

There eyes then landed on me staring at them . There speechless , I am feeling like an idiot .

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