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Mr.Cash grabbed my hand and said-"Lets go."

As we got into the jeep I asked-"Is everything ok?"

Mr.Cash-"Yeah , you'll be sleeping by me tonight."

Tasha-"Are'nt you going to let my mom know?"

Mr.Cash-"Dont worry about that , I'll handle everything."

Tiff standed out the window staring at me as if am her enemy.

Mr.Cash then started the car and went to the nearest mall.

As we entered the mall Mr.Cash handed me his credit card and said-"Get what you want."

I immediately headedto the clothing and basicly bought everything there.

I then went to the phone store and bout myself a iphone 6 plus.

I then went to the make up store
and bought a fancy make up kit and a makeup manuel.

I then ran into Italia and her minions.

Italia walks up to me and says-"So your our principals daughter?"


Italia-"I would expect you to look a little bit more cleaner.So how much is he paying you?"

Tasha-"Paying for what?"

Italia looks at my brand new clothes and phone and says-"You obviously have good P**** for him to buy you all those things."

Tasha-"Do you think am a prostitute?"

Italia-"Well of course , only whores that look like you can get what you want by flashing your fishtank bottom P**** to the world."

I quickly exited the store crying. As I was about to leave the mall I bumped into Metro holding a bag with new pair of jordans .

Metro playfully asked -"Are you following me?"

He then noticed me crying and pulls me in the corner and asks -"Are you ok?"


Metro-"Whats wrong?"

Tasha-"Italian dressing and her mnions thinks am a whore."

He started laugh.

Tasha-"Its not funny."

Metro-"Am laughing at the Italian dressing part , but listen you cant listen to them girls. They are empty inside and they need some one to bully to make themselves feel better. Your way to beautiful to be crying over sad whores like that."

Metro wiped my tears away.

He placed a smile on my face.

Metro-"Theres that beautiful smile , dont let anyone bring you down. There not worth it."

My dad then came out of the mall furious asking-"Where were you? I've been all over the mall looking for you, lets go now."

Me and Mr.Cash hopped in the jeep and headed to my mothers.

What Metro said really touched , his sweet words twisted my insides. I dont understand this feeling. Do I have a crush?

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