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The school bell finally ended I walked down the hall way be stopped by Metro saying-"Hey do you need a ride home?"

I kept walking and said-"No thank you."

Again he stopped me and said-"I have'nt seened you since after science .Is everything ok?"

I aggravatingly shouted -"Am fine Metro , please leave me alone."

Metro-"Did I do something wrong?"


Metro shouted-"Then what is it?"

I gave him a annoyed look and exited school.

I was mad at Metro , but yet I could'nt be mad at him for his pasts relationships.To hear that Metro and Italia were dating disgusted me , and the thought of them having sex made my skin crawl. He claimed he did'nt have sex with her , but knowing Italia theres 2 things she never forget about . Money and D***.

As I exited the school there was Tiff beeping her horn saying-"Lets go Tasha."

Am quite suprised at the way Tiff is acting.

I hopped in the backseat with Kathy and Zion and said-"Good afternoon everyone."

Tiff-"Good after noon Tasha , what would you like to eat tonight."

Tasha-"Pizza would be nice."

Tiff-"Ok I'll order 3 large pepperroni pizzas."

Tiff motherly act is very comforting. Her and my siblings are the only ones that make me feel like am apart of the family.

We've finally arrived home. I looked over at Metros house and notices he's already arrived home. I then went inside into my room to meet Metro on my bed.

I quickly closed my door and asks-"How did you get in here?"

Metro-"The same way I did last night , by the way you should probally lock your window."

I rolled my eyes and said-"What are you doing here?"

He gets up and pulls me near him and says-"Am trying to figure out why my girlfriend is mad at me?"

Tasha-"Why did'nt you tell me you and Italia dated? Did you F*** her?"

Metro-"I did'nt mention it because its the past , and we only were dating for like 3 days. "

I repeatedly loudly-"Did you F*** her?"

He sat down and held his head and said-" Yes I did , but it was only because I helped her with her homework."

I then sat down on the bed holding my mouth for 5minutes while he stares at me.

Metro-"Are you mad?"

I sighed and said-"Yep."

Metro-"But why ? Its my past. I didnt even know you yet."

Tasha-"I know thats why am not freaking out."

He turned my head to face him and kissed me and said-"Thats the past , and your my present and future. I love you Tasha and no one will change that."

I weirdly blushed and kissed him.

He then kissed me passionately and slowly lifted his hand under my shirt and unhook my bra.

I then stood up and took off all of my clothes and his.

He looked at my fitly shaped body and his D*** immediately stood up like a soldier. I got down on my knees and gripped it and spat on the tip and gently slurped it. He then started to groan as he held my head and I was guggling his D*** in my mouth. I deeped throated it and kept moving my head up and down on it. I then lifted my head to give my neck a break and started to jerk him off. His D***
glistened in spit in the peek of light from my window. He then layed me on the bed and shoved his tongue inside of me and sucked juice out my P**** . As I slightly moaned he started to slightly kiss my P**** . He stood up and then shoved himself inside of me repeatedly. He then layed on the bed and pulled me on him and allowed me to ride him like a horse. I moaned loudly, and moved up and down on it , until he pulled it out and came on my my breast.

After a relaxing 10 minutes of cuddling I got up and went into the bathroom to clean myself up and I placed back on my clothes and said-"Am going over by Ash to talk to him."

He started to put back on his clothes and said-"Why are going over by the Idiot?"

Tasha-"Me and that idiot have a project to do."

He kissed me and said -"Ok fine , me and Italia are going to need to start on it also."

He hopped out of the window and started to climb down the ladder and said-"Bye babe ."

I then went down stairs and exited out the door and walked over to Ash's house.

As I knocked on the door he then opens it with a depressed face and rudely asks-"What?"

Tasha-"We need to do our project."

Ash-"F*** the project."

Tasha-"You can say that , but I cant. Am a straight A student."

He picked up his bottle of scotch and sipped it and asked-"Why did you Metro over me?"

Tasha-"Do we really have to get into this?"


I sighed and said-"Well firstly because unlike you , Metro does'nt see me as a piece of P****."

He laughed and said-"Do you really think Metro loves you?He will boldly lie in your face and break your trust just like how he did to me."

Tasha-"What do you mean?"

Ash-"He F***** Italia , and we were best friends. If you think for a slight second that he wants you , then your wrong. Am the one that really wants you , and he just sees you as a PIECE OF P****."

I ran out of Ash's house crying at what he said.

As I walk over to my house I looked over at Metro's house and saw Italia lustfully rubbing Metro's arm and tugging on his pants. I ran into my house feeling betrayed .

I could'nt deal with the thought of being used and tricked like an Idiot. Who can I really trust?

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