Chapter 4: The Wolf and Her Men

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I peeked back into the alleyway, my eyes fixed on Zhaniah. A queen, that was something that made sense, but I never could really picture her running something like that. Then again, this is in the back of an alley, so I shouldn't be too surprised just yet. A better question would be HOW exactly is she here? Unless my lucky charms had something to do with it.

Zhaniah's eyes were fierce, battle hardened. She didn't look much taller than she had been before, but it was difficult to tell because she was sitting. Her facial expression held one of authority, like she had total control of everything around her. Honestly, it scared me a little. To think that little girl is capable of controlling wolves and men at least twice her size, and the only thing that gave any indication she was the strongest among them was her attitude and eyes.

"So.. She's taken control of a small gang... Fun."

A hand clasped on my shoulder, nearly making me jump from my skin. "What are you doing here?" I turned to a man with a scar over his right eye. Fierce eyes, sharp teeth and heavy hands. "Are you eavesdropping on the Queen?"

My voice was caught in my throat. Of course this guy was one of them. It's only my luck to have situations like this. Before any more moments passed, the man pinned me down, tying my hands together with a thick rope he was carrying, and dragged me by my hair to the center of the crowd and tossed me to the ground. "Look at what I found, M'Lady."

"A guest?" Her voice was exactly the same as I last heard. Then again, to me, it's only been a couple of hours. "State your business worm."

"Worm huh.." I muttered, "First time I was called something like that by a friend. I consider myself as a bug more." My captor stomped on my back, and I slightly winced in pain. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. "Don't jest in her presence!"

"It's alright, Beowulf." She said, then stood and knelt in front of me. "Look up at me."

"I can't do that.." I muttered. I could feel her giving me a questioning glare, so I continued speaking. "I'd be looking up your dress if I did."

"Nonsense. I don't care about things like that." She said. "Raise your head, or be executed." Sighing, I slowly did so, "If that's what makes you happy." Her eyes locked on mine, paused a long while as silence took root around us. I was expecting her to threaten me more, but instead she did something I'd never picture. She screamed in embarrassment, stood quickly as her face took a light pink and eyed me hard. "You perv!"

"I told you! Now make this guy untie me Zhaniah!"

The men seemingly gasped behind me, murmuring things like, "He spoke the Queen's name so casually.." and "Does he know her? Where's his respect?" I brushed off the comments after Zhaniah gave the order for Beowulf to untie me. Rubbing my wrists, I sighed of relief. "I thought you wouldn't recognize me."

"No one can forget a face like that." She said sarcastically. Ignoring the sarcasm, I turned to her troops, "So, these are the poor saps huh?"

"Ignore them. Men, you are dismissed. I want to speak to this prisoner alone." Her troops objected, saying it'd be crazy to leave her alone with me. "Hey, I'm not dangerous. She could've killed me a hundred times over by now." I said. Zhaniah shushed them, and spoke louder, "You are DISMISSED!"

Even I shivered at that. She can be scary when she's serious, but with the wolves at her call, she seemed even more terrifying. Beowulf was the last of the men to file out. He knelt close, eying me and spoke low, threatening. "If you do anything to the Queen, I will have your head." Then, he left the alleyway. I scoffed, and waved away his threat, turning to the 'Queen'. "Charming guy isn't he?"

"Very.." She sat in her throne, petting one of the nearby wolves. "So. Wanna explain?" I got to my knees, looking away. "There's not much I can say. I only recently woke up. You look like you've been here a while."

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