Chapter 52: The Truth

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"What the hell did you just say..." I questioned, my voice lowering and heart dropping, lower than my stomach. Leonardo rubbed the back of his neck. "The plan was steal the gems from you... But I found we could draw more power from them by having them grow."

"What gems are you talking..." I stopped, eyes widening. "My lucky charms.."

"You think that's what they are? You've had nothing but bad luck since you found one. Anyone with a brain would figure out the damn things are normal." He grit his teeth. "They're supposed to react and cancel, effectively kill anyone who holds it, and is not of Luna or my nature. Anyone who's not of magic should barely be able to touch it... Then you came along, that one day. A curious 6th grader, and you carelessly picked it up." Brushing his hair back, he crossed his legs and leaned back against the rocks, which slowly started shaping into a chair. Placing his cheek on his knuckle, he locked eyes, and continued speaking. "We came up with a plan. Get close to you, figure out what made you so special, then rip the gem away from you.. It failed, when Luna fell in love with you. I came into the picture then, trying to remind her the reason she got involved with you in the first place.

"The gem, Mystical Ruby, was a magic gem of immense power. It alone, could bring down countless worlds. From heaven to hell, to Earth and the universe. There's endless life, and magic is a universal concept that falls in every species. All except humans. We couldn't understand why either. Humans, the only ones with limitless potential, couldn't even use the simplest of magic abilities.." His lips lowered, a frown sitting on his face. "My people, well vampires and other mythical creatures, were brought here to Earth in an attempt to teach humans this concept, but we came too early, when they were extremely narrow minded.

"They hunted the vampires, werewolves, hell, any mystic creation they could. Dragons were the last to arrive, and even they saw the flaws in humans. They hid, for eons, waiting for the day that humans would open themselves up, and welcome magic like the rest of the universe. That idea took too long, so last time I met with the flying lizards, I struck a deal. I'd use you. You alone, were a key to helping the Earth realize magic.. The problem was, your heart was..." He paused, shaking his head. "Is tainted. You think only of yourself, and how you feel. What you want, and nothing about what anyone else would want. That partly might be why fate had you hold two magic gems, and nothing bad came of it.

"If I remember correctly, you did have two.. The Mystical Ruby, and the Twisting Emerald. You had both of those that day, didn't you? Where are they now?"

"How the hell would I..." I stopped. He raised a finger, pointing at me. There was a small light emitting from him. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but no more than 10 seconds after, my body began vibrating. My muscles, mainly in my chest, ached and burned. I fell to my knees, gripping my chest, trying to take in as much air as I could. "Inside. Nice hiding place. Probably where all of your magic is coming from."

"The gems.. Are inside me?"

"You hard of hearing? That's exactly what I just said." He lowered his finger, the vibrations stopping and my body calming. "Those things chose you for some reason. None of us could fathom why. You're immature, and have little knowledge of what any of this means for the rest of the universe."

"What was that plan..." He looked at me, a puzzling glare in his eyes. "You said you wanted to use me.. What for? Making the world realize magic couldn't be the only thing.."

"Sharp. It wasn't. That was the frontal plan. The secondary, or my main scheme, was to siphon as much power from you, and take the gems back. Simple, I wanted to rule over all. So I made sure, planned carefully, that everything you've been through and done would help me reach that. Both gems feed off of emotions and will. You had enough will, but not enough emotion. It was all positive, so I twisted things in your life. The biggest one..."

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