Chapter 21: Day of the First Trial

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I have to be honest, Richard did well setting up for these trials. He made it far enough from the city so no damages could be done, and built a colosseum on the tallest rock formation. Magic lifts were in place for the people around the front. The contestants had to use the backway, which consisted of a 2 mile walk up towards the lower portion of the coliseum. The pack would be in their reserved stand, but Zhaniah, Beowulf, G, Cynthia and I would have to walk, and that wasn't something I was looking forward to.

Ahead of us, I could see the other guilds, with Silent God in the very front. Their team consisted of Ashley, Dai, Jarimu, a bigger fellow with short brown hair, and Julienn herself. The big fellow had scars on his back, and I couldn't see his face. He was tall though, about 6 ft as far as I could tell. He had a dangerous air about him, that I could feel from even here. He would be serious trouble.

We arrived in our locker room. Each guild got a separate locker room for their team, which was underneath the stand of their respected guild. I watched my fist, opening and closing it, thinking about the trials we'll all be placed in. The way Richard set it up, first it would be a maze type trial. After, it would be a draw from a random team about which trial comes next between an endurance match, or a race. Next would be an intelligence test, then it would be a magic battle between the mages of the guild. If there was no magic users, a team would be paired with another who also doesn't have any magic, and they would fight it out that way.

Out of everyone, I would be the LAST to go over the course of three days. The trials were stretched out, for extra entertainment. Today is a main trial, tomorrow is a main trial, then two sub trials the following days after. A total of five days would be spent on these trials, and I wouldn't do anything until the last one! Some luck.

Beowulf pat my back. "How can people wear these things...." I looked at him, smirking at his outfit. As any other tournament type event, each team wore matching outfits. The Wolf Pack, ironically, got stuck in hunter style clothing. I was wearing thin shorts, with the edges torn apart. My shirt was ripped halfway to the right, and open toed boots.

Beowulf and G wore similar clothing. Zhaniah and Cynthia got special treatment, for some reason, and wore grey slit dresses with black heels. There was a wolf face on the front of both, and their claw markings on their arms were clearly visible. "I kinda like this." Zhaniah said.

Cynthia pouted at her outfit, "It feels weird..."

"At least you don't look like a savage," I commented.

"You gotta look how you are right," G said, and the five of us laughed. One of the guards came in as we settled down, and told us we could enter the arena. I stood as the others began leaving, and went to light switch, stopping short. Something tickled the back of my neck, moving down towards the center of my back. I hesitated to turn, frozen in shock. Was it one of the other teams? What good would it be to spy on the others changing? Us especially, since we don't make plans before we know what's going to happen.

This went on for a couple seconds, until it felt like someone was hugging me tightly, as if begging me for help. Then, it just left, gone, without a trace. I blinked, unsure of what just happened, but soon flicked the switch and raced out of the locker room, not daring to look back, but dragging endless questions with me.

The introduction went by without a problem. During, I kept glancing at Silent God, but Zhaniah always tugged my ear to refocus my attention. I was impatient to fight them, and it bugged me more I had to wait five days to participate. The team could sense my antsiness, and kept patting my back to calm me. If they didn't, I would be starting that magic battle very early.

Richard was high in the stand above the stadium, Michael at his side as he began addressing the maze trial. The way it worked was as followed: Each team all must participate- something good for me - and all must make it to the end within the next 30 minutes. Anyone left behind, and the team they're representing loses a point. We can earn a total of nine points. The leader of each team is worth 5, and the remaining four are worth 1. In the maze, all is fair gain. Anything that is not seen, it can not be counted as an illegal move. Basically, foul play is allowed unless caught. This seemed to have excited the no magic guilds, it gave them a better chance.

In the center of the coliseum, a couple magic users had gathered together. Clapping and slamming their palms against the dirt, a forest sprung up, blocking our view from the other guilds. As it finished, screens had appeared in the audience, and a magic clock formed overhead. 30 minutes, and after the ring of the gong, we all sprung into the trial.

The team kept tightly pack, covering each other's corners incase we ran into someone else. It was very possible we'd end up getting split apart, and with my luck, I'd be the first one to break away from the group. Zhaniah was between me and Cynthia, while Beowulf and G brought up the front and back. I was on her right, and Cynthia was on her left. "Keep out a good eye and nose. Smell or hear anything that's not us, don't hesitate to attack," Zhaniah said.

"Finally, I have a chance to cut loose." I said.

"No, you're staying with me. We don't need you making unnecessary noise or moves."

I groaned, but nodded and accepted my given position. It was very clear I didn't like it, but there wasn't much we could do. There wasn't anyway we could entirely track enemy movement. My visual ability is well known, so they would most likely sacrifice the magic users to draw me away. Either that, or have them totally suppress their magic. We'd have to consider each possible tactic and decide what to do then.

As we passed by the freshly made river- which I refuse to question how it was possible -, I stopped cold and leapt to the side. As I did, a wall of magic separated me from the team. I cursed loudly, turning and considering trying to circle or jump over. Before I could, a voice stopped me, small but holding a deadly tone. "Hello, Justin." I turned, and came face to face with Ashley as she lunged for my throat.

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