Chapter 15: Meeting Eridon, the Strongest Devil Gate

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I shielded myself with flames as fast as I could. The blasts penetrated nearly effortlessly, piercing my right leg. I dropped to a knee, the remaining blasts smacking me dead on and forcing me to hit the ground. I looked up slowly, noting the blood leaking from the hole in my leg, but focused on the room.

Zhaniah was ok. Hair messy and a couple bruises, probably from torture, but nothing I could see that was majorly life threatening. She was strapped to a large crystal in the center of the room, from which I could tell was charged with a bunch of magic essence. In front of her, palm aimed at me, was the grand master himself. Eridon was a lot handsomer than I would've thought, his hair a deep black and eyes the brightest of blood red. He had a scar reaching down his cheek that looked recently inflicted, and he wore a neatly pressed suit and white gloves, with a cloak on his shoulders. "You..."

"Well... That was.. pretty nice.." I said, rising to a knee. "Striking me... before I could even.. see it coming..." I said between breaths. Watching him, I could tell he was very thin on patience. What the heck happened before I got here?

"I didn't expect your friends to come up here so quickly, Zhaniah. They're reliable." He said, watching me. "Do you KNOW who I am?"

"Eridon.. Leader of the Guardians of the Devil's Gate. Can wipe out entire armies single handedly, and has no remorse in killing indiscriminately." I answered, covering my leg as it started to heal slowly. I still haven't figured out this healing ability. It seems like it works at random times. Smaller wounds, it obviously heals quicker than major injuries, but when it comes down to life threatening situations, I heal much slower than normal. You'd think I'd heal even faster when I know I'm in danger.

"You know the basic. However, do you know why I am who I am today?"

"I don't care about your damn backstory!" I yelled as feeling returned to my leg. I stood quick, racing at him. "Give me back my friend!"

"Fool." He waved his hand down, my whole body smacking hard into the hard floor. I rose my head, breathing heavy, and started running at him again, throwing a flame punch. He dodged, catching my wrist. "You don't listen very well.." His fist slammed into my stomach, sending a shockwave through my torso. I felt the blood make it's way up my throat and out my mouth, splashing on the floor as I fell to my knees.

Eridon walked around, keeping his eyes locked on me. I could tell he was waiting for me to turn around and charge at him, issue another barrage of attacks. With my current condition, he wouldn't get much. I could barely muster the strength to stay conscious, never mind trying to fight back. After a couple circles around me, he realized that, and summoned a magic chain to wrap my wrists and legs together, keeping me on my knees. "Now, you're going to listen to what I have to say, and you will dare not interfere, or else you can blame your friend's torture on yourself." He said, his tone stern.

I looked at Zhaniah, noting that she wanted me to wait for him to slip at some point. I had the idea too, but the issue is I wouldn't know exactly when he would drop his guard. There was something she knew, something I wish I could. If only we-

My eyes widened then. We had telepathy on our side. I just had to wait for her to scream now in my head, then I break free and attack. Hopefully, by then, I was rested enough. "Now then," Eridon began. "You are aware of my group. At least you are somewhat educated, however, do you know my true goal?"

"World Domination?" I said sarcastically.

"Fool.. That is the path we are on now," He faced me. I watched him, a growing curiosity forming in my gut. "... What are you talking about?"

"I'm very sure you're aware.. You're not from this world."

My voice caught in my throat. I could feel sweat drip from my forehead, blinking nervously then.

"I wouldn't expect you to know the government of this world. We are run by a monarch. A king of the highest magnitude, close to the original founders of this land." He pointed to the crystal Zhaniah was strapped to. A massive light filled the room, the floor, walls and ceiling turning a complete black. Stars began forming around us, and it felt as if the room itself was in space. Looking down, I could see the earth zooming in, until we passed through the clouds and came to a stop at a castle in a massive city. "The king here, is someone that needs to die." He said darkly. "With that crystal your friend is strapped to, I have the power to eradicate, not only the king, but every form of control and government on this planet."

"THAT'S NUTS!" I yelled angrily. "If you do that, nothing will remain but chaos!"
"Exactly.. Natural selection will take place. The strongest will live, and the weak shall die. I don't expect you to understand, but know this. That crystal, is charged with every form of ancient magic known to man, and then some." He smirked. "It is said he who consumes it, can awaken an ancient power within himself."

I grit my teeth, growling angrily. I glanced at Zhaniah, even she looked shocked. I was guessing he hadn't told her this much. Probably just the general information and his plan, but not what his ultimate goal was.

"Wait. All forms of control? Doesn't that mean.."

He started walking towards Zhaniah as the room faded back. "Yes. I will be taking her life." Zhaniah's face paled, and she began struggling against the bonds around her wrists. I began pulling and trying to break free, until Eridon struck me again with another magic blast. I ignored my intense pain, pulling harder. "Keep away from her!"

He moved towards me. "I hope you didn't expect to save her single handedly. If I can crush an army, what chance would you have?" A magic whip formed from his palm, and he quickly struck my side, cutting through the fabric and gauze. I cried out, taking another strike to my leg, then just above my right eye. Shutting it quick, I nearly passed out when I noticed he increased the power in his strikes. My right eye only saw red from the blood, and my body grew extremely numb.

"Good. Stop fighting it." He gripped my hair, raising my head, yet my eyes remained closed. "Watch closely, while I take your friend's life."

It was strange. I could hear a heartbeat. Mine? Zhaniah's? Whoever it was, it was very close, and the rhythm stuck in my head like superglue. "... Take her life?" I said, my voice sounding more twisted and dark. I could feel something inside. A familiar feeling, burning deep in my core. My head moved on its own, quickly slamming into Eridon's and breaking his nose. Blood spewed between us, the Guardian stepping back and groaning in pain. I tore free of the magic chains, violet flames swallowing my fist and connecting with his face, sending him flying into the wall. I breathed heavy, flames slipping out with my breathes. Walking towards Zhaniah, I freed her wrists, and snapped a massive piece of the crystal. If what he said was true about this crystal, then I had nothing to lose, and boy, did this thing do its job.

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