Chapter 8: Off on my Own

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We met with the client a few hours after that. He was a creepy looking, short and bald headed man. His skin was wrinkled, and he held a creepy smile. After attempting sway Zhaniah's heart - and failing miserably to do so - the two of us headed back to the pack, and celebrations were being held. Not just for their returning leader, but their departing friend. After we came back, they viewed me as a man not to be messed with, since Zhaniah hardly had a scratch on her from the job. They took that as a sign of me being able to take anything they can dish out, and still walk around fine. That might've sparked a bit of fear into them.

The pack quickly hunted down and gathered an immense amount of food. I only ate a small amount, listening to the wolves cheer and joke, argue but laugh it away. Along with the food, I could smell a bunch of alcohol and knew what would come next.

"H-Hey.. Fight me... New guy.." A male wolf said, stumbling towards me, drunk. He hiccuped, waiting for my response to his challenge. I looked at Zhaniah, and shook my head. "Not interested." He growled, leaning close. His breath smelt foul, tainted with whisky. "Come on..." He paused, hiccuped again, and spoke louder. "Fight me."

I sighed, raising my right hand and chopping his head. He hit the ground, face first, his outline forming from the impact. "I told you I wasn't interested." The pack around us laughed, continuing to eat and drink. I faced Zhaniah after that, nodding. She knew what it meant. I was going off on my own to look for the others.

I stood, but she stopped me shortly after I did. "Wait a minute, you need new clothes. You can't go around like a bum."

"I have before. Now's no different."

"Oh shut up and come on. I picked something out for you." I blinked at her as she moved towards the patch of light in the wall. Shaking off my disbelief, I followed her. As I entered the room, she tossed me a bag and pushed me into the bathroom. "Don't come out till you've change."

Purposely, I took a while to change my clothes. I wanted to rest and relax my bandaged wounds first before doing anything else. After a while, I slipped on the outfit she picked, and was surprised at how well it fit me. Not just in size, but how it looked.

The white pants only reached halfway to my shins and were slightly baggy, but the opened toed boots made up for it. I wore a black shirt, and the white jacket was short sleeved and only reached halfway down my torso. The hood had a fur rim on the edges, and felt comfortable on my head. Pulling it off, I slipped on the black gloves and looked at the violet flame designs on the edges of my pants and sleeves. I actually liked this outfit.

Stepping from the bathroom, I adjusted quickly to the feeling of my new clothes, and smiled brightly. "I like it."

"Good. Now, raise your right sleeve," She commanded. I watched her, but slowly did so. "I just remembered your skin is harder than crystal. Anyway you can make it more fragile?" I thought about it, and focused on my shoulder specifically. "Try it." I said, completely unaware of the blade in her hand. I only noticed after she made three wolf like scratches in my shoulder, in a specific design I couldn't describe. "Welcome to the Wolf Tribe."

I winced, thinking the cuts would heal. When they didn't, I only figured it was because I purposely accepted them. "Cuts made with this blade binds people to me and vice versa. Depending on how many I give you, determines what kind of pact you make to us." She placed the knife on her table as I lowered my sleeve. "You're of the second highest power here. We can communicate freely with one another now, and pinpoint each other's positions. If I gave you two, you could only communicate with me and back, and one cut, I can only speak to you."

"Any reason you gave me this?" I asked, noting how my shoulder wasn't bleeding.

"Well, If you find anyone, I would need to know right?" She said, then pat my shoulder - which was a funny picture to me because of how short she was. "Be careful on your journey. Your life is no longer your own."

"Did you think of that on the spot?" I asked, smirking as I picked up a spare bag and filled with packed food.

"Honestly, I did." She chuckled. "It sounded cool in my head."

"Everything does." I turned to her and rose to my feet. "I'll keep in touch."

"You better. I don't need you disappearing out of the blue. It'd be bad for all of us." She crossed her arms. "If you find Victor, send him my way." Victor was the nickname Zhaniah called Richard. As to why, I couldn't remember. It just happened.

"What about Michael? Or Cynthia?" I asked, but her expression said she had something devious on her mind, and that I'd find out. "Scary little one aren't you?" I asked, then stepped through the light. She followed after, and we moved past the pack, stopping short in front of Beowulf. He eyed me hard, arms crossed. "So. You're leaving then."

"I am." I said. No doubt about the awkward air between the two of us. He was a big man (or wolf), for standing in front of someone who kicked his butt no problem. He turned his head, extending his hand. "Take care."

I paused, then smiled gently and took his hand. "Yeah. You too. Take care of her alright? Otherwise, I'll come back and kick your ass a second time."

He stiffened then, and I retracted my hand. "I was joking."

"O-of course!" He said, then walked past us. I turned, bowing to Zhaniah. "I'm off, my Queen."

She smirked, playing her part. "Be well, young soldier."

Nodding, I picked myself up, and moved out. I had no idea what would be coming next for me, or who I'd run into next. I was just hoping to avoid any other problems. Of course with my luck, trouble would always find me, no matter where I was at. 

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