Chapter 31: Final Trial

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The sky was covered in grey clouds. A gentle breeze touched our legs, and magic cameras were lined up around every corner of each building. It was time, and all of us would be as prepared as we could be. The plan was simple. Defeat as many guild members as possible before they can get us. The team consisted of Beowulf, G, me, Cynthia, and Jocelynn, who was dressed in a purple and gold kimono that reached slightly lower than her thighs. On her feet, she wore black Getas. Her choice of clothing was a bit strange, but she was always fascinated with Japanese culture back in our world. This one was the ability for her to experiment in clothing choices. She did look good, I will admit.

I began squatting while we waiting for the timer to start. Each team had to go to a starting position and wait 30 minutes. If they weren't at their position within the time give, they're removed from the trial. We got here within the first 5 minutes, and have been waiting for a short while. I was impatient to start, so I kept busy with short burst work outs. Best thing to do is warm up.

"You seem pretty confident," Beowulf commented after my fifth lap around the team.

"Not.. At all.. Just need... to keep occupied," I said between breathes. Stopping, I began to stretch my legs, breathing deeply.

"Don't exert yourself too much. You need to reserve every ounce of energy you can spare," He said. I shook my head. "This is nothing. You should worry most about G. After all, he's the weakest out of us."

G scoffed, "I'm still stronger than Cynthia."

Having gotten better with her magic, it was if Cynthia could start spells no problem. In a flash, she had written fire and lightning in the air, and the two elements bursted in her palms. "Want to test that claim?"

"N-no.." He backed down. I laughed softly at the pair, having moved onto one handed push ups. Overhead, the 30 minute counter disappeared, replaced with a visual screen of each time in their respective areas. I stood up, stretching and cracking my neck. "Alright here we go.."

Richard's voice boomed over the town. "As you may know, this is the final day of the Guild License trials. To make this event more appropriate, I've moved the location from the arena to the town. Preparations have been made so any damaged would be repaired, so don't hold back!"

"Good news for us," I said, looking at Cynthia and Jocelynn.

"That also means none of the other teams have to hold back, you do realize this, Mama." Cynthia said, crossing her arms.

I shrugged, "I'm not too worried about it. We can take these guys, and hey, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to use if needed."

"Let's just hope they actually work," Jocelynn commented. The five of us stood side by side, waiting patiently for the signal. We already had a plan. Beowulf and G would break off from us first, and search for the non magic users. Once they were gone, we would start targeting the weaker guilds, before moving onto Silent God. It wasn't a full proof plan, but it was better than going in and winging it.

A flare shot in the air, exploding in a red cloud. The signal for the start.

As planned, a few minutes after we started, Beowulf and G split off. Jocelynn, Cynthia, and I came across multiple small guilds, making short work of their members. We turned the corner, running past the town library. As we did, we came across the first member of our true target.

Ashley stood atop the library, smiling at us. She wasted no time in bringing her hand to her side, a wall of magic shooting up around us. Jocelynn and I jumped back, but Cynthia launched herself forward, writing lightning in the air and bolts of electricity raining down on the blonde. Ashley grit her teeth, the two slamming fists and exchanging blows. Cynthia sharply rose her finger, writing something in the air. Around them, a gust of wind swallowed them, carrying them upward and slamming down into the library. "Brutal.." I said.

"Let's keep moving. Cynthia can handle Ashley herself." Jocelynn said, tugging me along. I looked back, but nodded and we pressed forward. Moving further south of the two, we came close to the cathedral, stopping short to look at the river. We waited, regaining some our breath and thinking. Cynthia is fighting Ashley, so that leaves four other members, two of which I was assuming were gonna completely avoid running into me. I lowered my head and took a deep breath. Looking at Jocelynn, I opened my mouth to speak, but a void developed between us, two hands reaching out and pushing our faces away. From it, Julienn landed calmly, smirking at the two of us. "Did I interupt the two love birds?"

"No, I was expecting to see you show up, just didn't think it'd be so soon." She looked at Jocelynn. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Likewise." Jocelynn said, racing at her. Julienn rose her palms, a beam of magic shooting from her. Jocelynn jumped over, her hands glowing in a black light and mini blades shooting forth. Julienn rolled on her side, countering with more magic beams. Jocelynn landed, and the two ran at each other. Focusing, Jocelynn formed a black sword from her magic, swinging and the blade clashing against Julienn's newly formed shield. "Only one of us is walking away," She said. Jocelynn smirked, "And it won't be you. Justin, get moving! I can handle her!"

I blinked, but nodded. I had to trust her, because risking the trials wasn't an option. If she won, it was five points for us. If she lost, we'd only lose one.. Hopefully, her life wasn't in total danger. I got to my feet, giving her a thumbs up, before turning my back and racing further under the cathedral. Behind me, the sounds of magic explosions rang out, but I kept myself moving forward. I sensed something, someone, ahead of me. It wasn't the twins, as the magic was much stronger than theirs. When I spotted the source, I stopped instantly, watching the magic user before me. His short brown hair and burly body stood out the most, and when he turned to me, I knew for a fact who I ran into. Time to meet the man of the hour.

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