Chapter 35: School Memories

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My dreams often twisted things to be worse than they actually were. It was a cloudy day, and lunch time. I was sitting with my homeroom, and partly with my friends at the time. The two Maliks, someone named Adrian, Shania and the girl of the hour, Luna. Luna and Shania were related. Shania was her aunt, but they weren't far apart in age.

Shania was around my height at the time. She had short, black hair and dark eyes. Her skin was like how mine was now, darker, more chocolate like. She wasn't plump, but certainly was thicker than others at the time. She was a wild, loud type of person, and half the things we used to discuss occasionally popped in my head.

Luna was a lighter skin tone, like caramel from what I remember. Her hair was long, reaching her lower back, and her eyes were a deep brown. She was definitely on the shorter side, around 5 ft or so. The thing about her was that she was a very bright type of person. Headstrong, like Shania, and very beautiful to boot. I thought I had it made then, back when I was with her. I was stupid, and extremely naive, and that fact continuously replayed in my head whenever I thought back to these days.

This day in particular I remember. We were all discussing plans for the weekend, and Luna decided she and I would go to the movies or something. I agreed, something I partly wished I didn't. She had a grip on me then, and I only got over it later in my life.

This was after the breakup between Luna and me, during my first year of high school. That was when I met everyone I know today, and one of the first ones of that group was Michael. I could tell he was a more relaxed and fun loving kind of guy. The thing with my school before all of this madness is the fact that there wasn't just academics, we also had trade cycles. Michael and I met in the CADD shop, and we quickly became friends. Back then, I was just finishing my stages of depression, and was trying to move on. Meeting Michael and learning about his ideals helped somewhat, as it kept me distracted from thinking about the past.

One time in particular he even talked about getting rid of pluto. Some debate that turned into, and even now, it still makes me chuckle a bit. Michael was strange, yeah, but was a really good person, and I'm glad I met him.

Similarly, I also met Zhaniah in CADD during the second phase. I haven't thought it afterwards, but Zhaniah actually pulled me out of my depression. I felt drawn to her, and something with us clicked. We dated for about a month or so before she ended it. I wasn't depressed after, just angry, but thinking about it now, I wonder why. She made her choices, and possibly regrets a few things to this day. I wouldn't blame her whether she did or didn't. I thought I was a crappy boyfriend to her, so maybe we grew so close now thanks to the guilt of that.

Zhaniah is a friend I'm really glad to have, despite us being very similar to one another. Since coming to this world, none of us really had much of a chance to sit down and just talk like we used to. Part of me missed the conversations we would have, not just between me and Zhaniah, but everyone else too. Often at times when I see her, I view a mirror image of myself, or even to a stretch, how I'd like my future child to turn out. In my eyes, Zhaniah is a strong person, and has been for a long time. That won't ever change.

Cynthia is also a strange one. How we came to met, I couldn't exactly remember, but I guess that's a good sign in a way. When I meet people, and have been friends for a long time, it's hard to remember exactly how we met, or even why we started talking at all. I know for sure it was in middle school, but I couldn't say when for the life of me. She's grown close, like a little sister to me, so I found myself in a position to look after her more often. I probably should do that at some point soon.

Richard, I can't too much about. He's a good guy, handsome too. He's known Zhaniah much longer than I have, and now, I've been opening myself up to him a bit more, as weird as that sounds. He looks strong, and is very caring. There's not much I could say about him that no one else could see. Honestly, part of me wants to know him more. The other part is comfortable where things are, even if he IS a king now.

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