Chapter 18: The Other Guild

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We set out the following morning. I had to find and buy a carriage, and afterwards, use the magic powered horses to get it moving. Zhaniah, Cynthia, and Beowulf were riding inside. G was driving the horses, and I was walking alongside. I hadn't agreed to it, Zhaniah had forced me because of the office incident. I tried explaining it wasn't my doing, but she wouldn't budge, and I just gave up trying to convince her. Once her mind was set, there was no changing it.

We spent most of the day travelling, then stopped and made camp or set up in a hotel for the night. It's been a couple days, and we just arrived at our fifth hotel. The thing about this world is that the towns are so far apart from one another. There wasn't much human contact between towns unless it was business or travel. Personally, it kind of bothered me, but it was just how it was. No point in arguing about it.

"So then," I started, sitting next to Beowulf in the kitchen. "What's the king like?"

"No one knows. He's locked himself away in his castle, and the only ones that see him are his guards. He hasn't come out to the public or had any portraits done. No one has even seen his face." He said, biting into the raw meat. I had gotten used to their eating habits, but watching the pack eat raw, fresh, bloody meat was still slightly upsetting. They were very messy, and I ended up having to clean up after them.

"He's the mysterious type, huh? I can work with that. Shouldn't be too hard to get an audience with him," I said, watching Beowulf dig into another piece of raw meat. He nodded in agreement, swallowing the meaty chunk in his throat. "Should the worst possible incident happen, we have you to bail us out, right?"

I blinked at him, and nodded unsurely. At the end of our conversation, we nodded to each and moved to the bath, before heading to bed, and I welcomed the dreamless sleep.

The following few days, we arrived at the Capitol. It was a large, bustling city, full of lively and loving people. Everyone had a smile on their face, even the more poor of the people. First arriving, I thought it was honestly really cool that they can smile this much, but after a while, it started getting a little creepy. Cynthia agreed with me on this.

We stepped into the town square, Beowulf and G faced the group. "Alright. We should split up. G and I will go find a hotel and try to gain an audience with the king."

"Does that mean we can explore?!" I asked, sounding more excited than I should have.

"Of course." He said. Despite Zhaniah being the Queen, and having authority and the responsibility of being a role model for the pack, she was the first to squeal in excitement. We all looked at her, and she regained her composure. "Don't take too long." she said sternly to Beowulf and G. The two nodded and moved through the growing crowd.

I faced the city map, reading where we were and the places we could go. "There's a restaurant not too far from here."

"Oh look, there's a library straight ahead of us." Cynthia said.

"Whoa, this place has bow and arrow ranges.." Zhaniah said. We faced each other and began discussing where to go first. As we did, from the corner of my eye, I saw something fly right from the board. Leaning back, the object slammed into map and smashed through. It was a man, an older looking man, seemingly in his late 30s. He was battered and beaten, barely conscious. "What happened to him?"

"Anyone else want some!" A voice boomed behind us. A crowd began gathering, and instinctively, we followed suit. I crawled under the people, getting a better look at the one who was talking. There was two males, twins to be exact. One had sky blue long, wild hair that matched his eyes. His skin was somewhat pale, and I could see a small icy mist emitting around him. Next to him, a male with violet long and wild hair. His eyes were a deep red, and his skin was darker. Compared to the other one, he was more composed, holding a more serious demeanor. His arms were crossed, and both were shirtless. Around their waists, they were wearing robes that matched their hair color, and black pants and boots.

Looking at these two, I wasn't sure what made me feel uncomfortable. That is, until I saw the markings on their shoulders. It was an eagle wing, with the feathers dropping. They were a part of a guild.

"Who are you?" I said, rising suddenly and knocking the person above me over. They looked at me, scoffed, and waved me away. "Not worth the effort."

"What!" I looked at their feet, noticing the people they were standing over. They had the right to be smug about normal people, but when it comes to fighting a magic user, it's best not to push too far. They may not know about my magic, but they'll find out soon. "I could kick your ass from here to the castle and back!"
"Those are fightin wor- That mark on your arm. You're a part of the Wolf Pack Guild?!" The one with the sky blue hair said.

"Jarimu. Leave him, he's too weak for us." His twin said.

"Dai, I don't like his face. Lemme rough him up."

"You won't listen anyway, so go ahead." He said, paying us no mind. We just got here and I'm already getting into a fight. Jarimu ran at me, throwing his fists, hoping to hit. He was a lot faster than I thought he would be, but I kept my eyes locked on his movements, dodging carefully. He seemed a little shocked, but kept on his pursuit. I was careful not to move too close to the crowd surrounding us. If anyone else got hurt, it might turn into an all out brawl. The crowd began murmuring to each other as I dodged another punch, stumbling back. He leapt at me, "I got you now!" Around his fist, I could see the traces of an icy mist began forming, and before I knew it, his fist was covered entirely in ice.

"Jarimu, don't!" Dai yelled to his brother. Jarimu didn't listen, swinging at me. It was an area heavy attack, designed to hit me wherever I dodged to. If that attack was released, everyone would take some damage. Pulling my fist back, I swallowed it in flames, and our fists smacked against one another. Ice and fire danced around us, nearly striking the crowd and we separated. "You can use magic.." I said stunned.

"So can you..."

"Jarimu. We're leaving now." Dai said, grabbing his brother's arm. "You've caused too much commotion.. Besides..." He faced me. "He's the one we were warned of by the Master." Jarimu nodded to him, and the twins turned their back and disappeared through the crowd. Zhaniah and Cynthia stepped next to me as the crowd began murmuring again, but we disregarded them. I could feel their eyes watching me, questions rising. Truthfully, I had no idea what was going on, or why those two were here, but I knew something for sure. I would see them again, and this wasn't over.

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