Chapter 54: Finding the Will to Keep Living

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Has it ever occurred to someone why they continue to live? Day after day, even if someone is going through intense emotional pain, and feel dead inside, what is the reason they stay alive? One could argue it's for others, one could say because they're afraid of death. The question can remain a mystery for all I care.

I've always wondered why, after all the stored up pain I've sheltered, be it minor or massive, I never considered taking my life. It could be because I'm afraid of death. Maybe I owe it to everyone to stay alive. I have no idea what my reason could've been before, but now, I had a clear thought.

I wanted to protect them. Even at the cost of my happiness, I wanted to stay alive now, to protect them all. I don't care if I'm viewed as a hero or not, or if they think I'm pushing myself too hard. I wanted to care for them all, and that's what I'm going to do. Right now, I would just hope I had enough strength to fight.

Even moving my body, despite being somewhat healed, was a taxing chore. When I willed magic, I would have to use less than I normally would, or I'd collapse on the spot.

Leonardo and Luna had separated. The former took on both me and Garlos. With him by my side, it would be easier to plan and calculate my moves in accordance to the openings he would give me. Purgatory flames shot up at us like a wall. Garlos acted swiftly, bring his hand down and severing the flames with gale. As he did, I jumped through the opening, slamming my fist into Leonardo's face, pushing forward until he stumbled back into the tree. I raced up, ignoring the aching in my legs, preparing to throw another fist. When I closed in, his flames erupted sharply, swallowing me, forcing me to back away as I swat them out. During those few seconds, he tripped me, and kicked me hard enough that I slammed into and snapped one of the trees (that was still standing), in the garden.

I rose my head, momentarily forgetting about Leonardo when Michael landed on me and we tumbled further aside. "Get off!"

"Oh shut up and throw me!"

Growling, I mustered enough strength into my arms, raising Michael with my legs, and managed to toss him with enough force to slam into Beowulf. My eyes flicked back to Leonardo and Garlos, the two locked in an exchange of massive flame and gale fists. It was impressive to watch, but I wasn't sure how long Garlos could hold out. I got to my feet, stumbling on, grabbing a large stone and tossed it as hard as I could. It struck Leonardo in the side of his head, to which Garlos acted fast, and cut his cheek deep with a heavy gale current. His blood dripped, hitting and staining his pants leg. He looked at it, and I moved as fast as I could, sweeping my feet to knock him off balance. I flipped, my foot connecting to his side, and sending him high in the air.

A bit of magic built up in my lungs, and I roared my beam of magic. Garlos swallowed sharply, then released his gale howl, the two attacks merging together in the air and crashing down in a gustly fireball. I fell to a knee, rubbing my throat, noting how exhausted I was.

Through the flames, Leonardo waved his hand, casting them away, eyes hatefully flicking between me and the gale wolf. "I'm itching to kill you both.."

A wave of ice shot up to Garlos's right. It wasn't aimed for him, in fact, it seemed like it was merely collateral. "The girls are having fun.." Garlos commented. "Why can't we, right?"

"Make as many quips as you can.. Once I rip your tongue out, you won't be saying too much more."

"Oh go stuff yourself..." I said weakly. I rose to my feet, watching Leonardo closely. "You're not winning here today..."

"How can you be so sure? You barely have the strength to stand." He faced me. "Not only that, no one else has the power to stop me.. I'm going to finish you, before you can learn to tap into that hidden magic. No one can save you from me!" He lunged at me, fangs shooting from his gums and eyes red. This might've been the first time he showed his vampire traits. At least that I've seen.

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