Chapter 42: The Year Gone, Homecoming

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I finished tying my boots, sitting up and cracking my neck. A year. An entire year went by, and I had absolutely no contact with anyone aside from the dragons. I was in a hotel, a town over from where I was heading. I was wearing a one, long sleeved shirt. It only had one long sleeve because I tore the right one off, and wrapped my arm in bandages prior. Why, would be a surprise for a sorry fella later.

My pants were white, reaching just to the top of my boots. There was a small tear in the right knee, but I enjoyed the rough look so found no real issue to it. My eyes scanned the hotel room, then I stood, walking towards the door with my sack slung around my shoulder. Opening it, I flicked off the light, and stepped out. I was going home.

The guild was just as I remembered. Standing tall and proud. Honestly, I could sit out here all day and watch. The air was refreshing, and I could smell the freshly cooked (and raw), meat inside. My stomach grumbled, and laughing gently, I agreed with it to go inside. Stepping into the courtyard, an arm slung around my shoulder, and a voice boomed, "Long time no see! I see the year was great for you!"

I looked at the male, blinking. His bangs covered an eye, but otherwise he looked no different. "If it isn't the Gale Wolf himself. What's up, G?"

He smirked at me. "We missed you man. If we knew you'd be coming home, we would've held a parade."

I waved the idea away, looking at the doors. "Who else is here?"

"Sansas is out on a job with Cynthia. Other than them, everyone is here."

"Perfect." I stepped towards the door, and Garlos opened it up wide. All eyes fell on me, shocked at first, then the pack got from their seats, racing at me. I thought I could see a few tears in their eyes. "YOU'RE BACK!"

I laughed gently, then felt the first pair of hands grip me and toss me into the air. They gathered in a crowd, tossing me up and down over and over, and I just let them be. It's been a year of nonstop work for me, I needed to relax somehow.

"Alright guys," I said after the fiftieth toss. They caught me, letting me down gently, and laughing to each other as they took their seats. I nodded to Garlos, then grabbed his arm before he walked away. "We still have to talk about your magic."

"In time. You just got back, and I don't want to bore you with all the details. You must be tired, go get some rest." He said. I've been training for an entire year. I had a bunch of energy boiling up inside since I got back, and rest was the last thing on my mind. I moved up to the second floor, down the hall and to my room. I waited a moment, gripping the handle and opening it up, greeted by fresh flowers and a well lit room. I stepped over to the flower pot on the table, and picked up the note next to it. "Welcome back, Mama! See you soon, Cyn."

"She knew I was coming? A bit odd, but thanks anyway." I said softly, placing my sack on the bed. I walked towards the window, sitting down and smiling at the vase by the window. It hadn't been touched, and was exactly the way I left it a year ago. A year. It dawned on me then that I had been alone for an entire year. It saddened me slightly, but I shook the idea off and gently rubbed the vase. I stood, walked back towards my door and out. Again, I moved down the hall, and stopped. Wonder if she knew I was back. "I hadn't seen her mingling with anyone, so I guess she was busy with work.." I touched the handle, and opened the door.

My gut tightened quickly. Zhaniah looked at me, and separated from the male before her. It wasn't anything too far, but the sight still sent a strange fist through my gut. "Justin! You're back!.. At least knock!"

"I didn't expect you to have.." I glanced at the male. Short hair. Chiseled, and handsome. Tall, a bit taller than Beowulf actually, and dark skin. ".. Company," I finished. Shaking my head, I turned around, "Never mind. Keep going with your make out. I'll leave you be." I closed the door, standing there. I had no idea what was wrong with me. I didn't care, I knew that, but the idea still made me sick. Repulsed me even. Who was that guy anyway? I shook it off, and walked downstairs into the mess of the guild. Eyes fell on me again, only this time, it looked as if it was sympathy.

I plopped down at the bar, closing my eyes, "Give me a mug." Drinking wasn't my idea. My throat was really dry. In a few seconds, a shot glass slid over to me, a small bit of soda inside. "No mugs. All gotta be washed" I groaned, then stopped and opened my eyes. The voice had been too famine. It sounded familiar too, but I couldn't figure out why. Not until I looked at the face.

She was smiling, blonde hair over her shoulder, in a black low cut dress. "Ashley?!"
"Hey," She said excitedly. "Welcome home!"

"Why are you here!"

"Well.. I work here. Ya see, Julienn closed down the guild after we lost the trials. She had to, we weren't official. The two of us stuck together after, and well... Here we are."

"We?... She's here too?"

"Mhm. Well not here exactly, she went out on a job."

I would've started yelling, bounding up to Zhaniah to figure out why she would accept them, but the sick feeling twisted my stomach more, and I laid my head down at the bar. "Whatever..."

"I take it you walked in on her and her boyfriend huh..." Ashley said quietly.

I nodded, which resulted in me scratching my head against the wood of the bar.

"Sorry. It happened a month ago. They've been pretty inseparable, and he's been a big help to the guild. He even got more females accepted in, and found female wolves to take care of."

I groaned again, "Great, so he's better than me in every way possible."

"I never said that. You probably have something over him."

"I highly doubt that.." I said raising my head. "He's more toned, better looking. I bet he kisses better too.."
"You sound like a lovesick puppy. Why do you care so much anyway," She asked, cleaning a mug.

"I really don't know why I'm even talking about it." I swallowed the drink, placing it down and gesturing for another. She went beneath the counter, then came up with another bottle and a slightly bigger cup. She began pouring the soda, watching it. "Well, from what I've heard, you probably still have the third leg on him."

" 'Fraid not." Garlos sat next to me, joining in on the conversation. "You should hear those two at night. She won't stop screaming." He complained, sitting back in the chair. "Not only that, every time I went to her to request a job, she would talk about how she could barely stand."

"Garlos..." Ashley said, pointing at me.

Garlos followed her finger, and locked eyes with me. If looks could kill, I would've killed Garlos a hundred times over by now. I couldn't exactly tell how angry I was, but last thing I remember was yelling something foul, standing abruptly, and leaving the guild hall, not even looking back.

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