Chapter 16: Burst of Violet Flames

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I snapped the crystal, biting deep and chewing the rock substance. My eyes locked on Eridon as I swallowed. The Guardian rose, racing at me, baring his teeth. "You fool! That is a right reserved for-"

I cut him off with a violet flame fist, connecting in an uppercut. "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Grabbing his leg, I slammed him into the floor, cracks forming along the wall from the impact. He moved to kick me, but I blocked, spinning him around and tossing him through the doors. The violet flames boiled around me, and I could tell my eyes were glowing a similar color. My breathing increased, gauze and bandages burning like nothing.

"Ju.. Just-"

"Stay here." I growled, then charged forward. Eridon raced back into the room, throwing a punch. I dodged, kneeing him in the face. "Threatening my friend?!" Flipping over, I brought a flaming hammer and slammed it into his head. The Guardian hit the floor hard, shaking the room before I gripped the back of his head and pushed him through, following after. As we fell, we continued smashing through the layers of floors, my fists slamming into Eridon's face. "Destroy the order in the world! That's the most idiotic piece of bull I've ever heard!"

"I've said this before! You can't possibly hope to understand why this is the only way for the world!" He connected with a punch, but I shrugged it off. "That's not for you to DECIDE!" My fist slammed hard into his face, sending him flying like a rocket. We hit the final layer, entering the cavern we snuck in through. The violet flames swirled wildly, as I landed. Eridon hit the floor next, rising and eyes wide. "That.. That look.. What the hell is that.."

I glanced at the water surface. Black lines were stretching along my arms in a flame like design. Around my eyes as well, stretching and sharpening to my cheeks. My eyes had slit as well, a deeper yet glowing violet than they previously had been. Putting my change from my thoughts, I charged at Eridon, flames burning brightly with my steps. He rose, launching blasts of magic at me. The flames shrugged them away, then I connected another punch. His face caved under the force, but before he took off, I gripped his leg, tossed him above my head and kicked him through the caves. I followed after, my lungs swelling with flames. Before I knew it, I was roaring violet fire, swallowing the dark tunnel and Eridon with it. The Wizard spun, dispersing the fire. He focused, tossing beams of light magic at me. I slammed my hands against the floor, bringing myself to a sudden stop and pushed myself up, launching higher than I planned to. Twisting, I spun and came down with a heavy kick, shattering the ground around us when he blocked with his forearms. "You're... So powerful.."

I came down, then returned with a right hook, then a left, my attacks quickly turning into a speed barrage of fists. He stumbled back, the next attack he managed to catch. The violet flames spewed, shooting out every which way, destroying the ceiling above and walls around us.

"Justin!" I heard Beowulf cry. We must've been close to the lower prisons then. Eridon turned to the wolf, but I slammed my forehead into his. "I'm your focus!" He growled, baring his teeth and leaping on me, pushing me to the ground, trying to bite into me. Once again, I felt the flames blaze in my lungs, and I let them loose from my throat, Eridon flying and slamming through the layers of ceilings until he was outside. He pushed himself out of the way, looking at his charred stomach, swearing and roaring loudly. Looking down at me, he let himself freefall, pushing faster with his magic. I got to my feet, then jumped, flames bursting beneath my feet and letting me fly at an even faster speed.

Our fists locked, a flash of light expanding from our collision, then a shockwave shook the island, weakening the tower. From how heavy the impact was, I'd be surprised if it didn't, but the now collapsing debris from above told us this place wasn't gonna last too much longer. I'd have to beat this guy fast, and get everyone the hell out of here.

"I'm not going to die! Not here! I've come too far for a punk like you to beat me!"

"You should've never came after someone I care about then." I said in retort, slipping our fists apart. We connected, our fists against each other's cheeks. I had the slight doubt the impact would've killed me, but my current state had made me more durable, more powerful. I felt that I could take any of his attacks full on and keep walking with only a couple scratches.

We continued pushing against each other, hoping to gain the advantage. Who would give in first? Me or him?

Eridon roared loudly, pushing me back slightly. I grit my teeth, flames bursting heavier and allowed me to shift the focus of my attack. I lowered my fist, moving my head downward and slammed into his stomach with a flaming headbutt. He lost his force, air leaving his lungs in a soundless cry of pain. We shot upwards, through incoming debris and out into the air. I pulled away, grabbed his hand, and flipped so I was above him. As he looked at me, I could see the growing fear in his eyes. He was scared, scared that someone could overpower and make him look utterly pitiful. "Stay away from me, my friends, my guild and OUR KINGDOM!!" I yelled loudly, my fist slamming into his face. In that one instant, I could've sworn I hit him so hard the world momentarily turned black and white. Violet flames swallowed me as I pushed, and sent Eridon flying down through the tower like a meteor, a shockwave shaking the ocean around the island.

Smiling to myself, I let myself drop, landing in the room Zhaniah was imprisoned in. I looked at her, slightly surprised to see Cynthia standing with her. Turning my attention to the crystal, I picked it up, throwing it down the hole I made in the floor, watching it drop and drop until it shattered in the bottom of the tower. I switched my vision, watching the magic fade from each shard, then nodded proudly to myself. "Now." I started. "Ladies, let's go home."

"Are we not gonna talk about the fact that you COMPLETELY TURNED THIS PLACE TO CRAP?!" The two yelled at me. I nodded, grabbed them both and placed them on my shoulders, then jumped down into hole, planning to quickly reunite with Beowulf and Sansas.

The tower fell apart when we arrived back at the ship. I watched as the cult members raced about, scrambling to ships like a wild flock. It was actually satisfying to see. I couldn't care less whether they made it out alive, dead or injured. They weren't my concern. I hated being so cold hearted, but these were people who couldn't be forgiven.

"Think they'll live?" Beowulf asked me.

"If they do, they do. If they don't, they don't." I said, turning to walk away. Beowulf watched me, then halted when he touched my shoulder. "What about you? I mean, that look isn't the best for you."

"It isn't? I like the design...." A massive wave of exhaustion swept over me. My vision and I stumbled in place. Before I realized it, I collapsed into Beowulf's grasp. As my consciousness continued to fade, I could feel the magic drain from my body to nearly nonexistent, and the markings of my strange change had begun to fade away in a violet light. The last thing I heard, was Zhaniah, Beowulf and Cynthia crying my name, and then, there was nothing but the silence of sleep.

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