Chapter 46: The Wings of Destruction

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Jarrod roared, eying us from above. My feet were held firmly in place. I've dealt with three dragons at once in training, but staring at one as an actual enemy, sent chills down my spine. I wasn't exactly afraid, more of just unsure. How would any of us be capable of killing a dragon this powerful. His magic was overwhelming as human, so what's that say about his dragon form. Absolute death!

"How do we fight that..." Zhaniah said. I hadn't noticed she moved next to me.

"I.. I don't know.." Jarrod flicked his gaze over towards the town downhill. Licking his jagged fangs, he charged towards. Taking a deep breath, he roared, a beam shooting at the buildings below. It took a sharp turn, heading further away. "What's he aiming at?"

It took me a moment to piece it together, but when I did, I jumped to my feet. "He's aiming for the army shelter!" As I said that, an explosion rang out, shaking the grounds like an earthquake. There was a massive ball of light illuminating the night, followed by a mushroom cloud. I watched, eyes wide with horror. "Heartless..."

"That.. I can't believe he.."

"Forget about it." I placed a hand on her head. "He'll get what's coming to him."

"How can you be so sure? Do you have a plan?"

"Well.. Not really," I said honestly.

"That's reassuring."

I glanced at her. "Better than nothing." I got to a knee. "Listen, we'll beat him. We can."

"How.." She said again. I watched her, then slapped my forehead. "The answer is obvious! We fight fire with fire!" I shot up, touching the triple claw mark on my shoulder. Closing my eyes, I focused, calling out. Hopefully, they were already on their way. If not, I'd have to stall until they get here.

A voice filled my head, speaking loudly. "It's about time ye' summoned us. Ye 'picked a real monster this time."

"No kidding. How long will we have to wait?"

A pause. "Not long. In fact..." His voice faded out. I blinked, wondering if we lost connection, until a shadow beam shot directly past me, inches from sweeping me up, and curved, striking Jarrod directly in his back. He roared in pain, floating down.

Garuga landed behind me suddenly, laughing madly. "How's that for an entrance!"

"You almost hit me you jackass!" I yelled at him. He looked down. "If that's the tone ye' take, maybe we'll leave!"

I sucked back my attitude and clapped my hands together, lowering my head. "Sorry! Sorry!"

"Exactly." He looked up. I followed his eyes, just as Syrreth and Porrelth slammed into Jarrod with their heads. The three began flying, snapping, clawing and attacking each other, rising higher in the air. When they disappeared through the clouds, explosions of fire and light peeked out, slightly dispersing them. "Can they really handle this..."
"Don't thy dragons," Garuga said. "Porrelth and Syrreth are sources of immense power, even among dragons. A common human won't be a threat."

I twitched in place. I wanted to help. Inside, fires boiled in my gut, forcing my foot forward. "Take me up there." I looked at Garuga, speaking demandingly. "Now."

He watched me, smirking. "The spirit of the dragon resides within ye'. Very well, but do not take such a tone with me again." I shrugged it off, jumping onto his head. Stretching his wings, he shot up, air blowing from below him, and we soared through the sky. I held on tight to scales, being careful not to accidently crack them. We bursted through the clouds, Garuga roaring loudly. He charged forward, opening his mouth and a shadow left his throat. Porrelth and Syrreth spotted us, flying back and roaring their own breath attacks. Not wanting to feel left out, I took a deep breath, magic building in my lungs, and let the magic shoot from my lungs. The four roars swirled together, smashing against Jarrod and exploded.

Looking at it this close, it looked like a small sun. The resulting force shook the dragons, and I gripped on tightly to Garuga, crawling up some and gripping the hairs on his head. "Did we get him?"

"No. Ye' can still feel his magic signal, can ye' not?"


Jarrod's wings blew away the magic dust cloud. His eyes locked on me, hate growing within. My gaze stayed with him, and silence gripped us all, aside from the beating of wings. The breeze was gently, but the temperature was low, nearly freezing.

"How long will you continue to interfere with me?"

Garuga grit his teeth. "Ye' are connected to Amaterasu. Ye' are an enemy to us all, and we shall destroy you."

"My main enemy is the boy on your head. You dragons should leave, or else I will kill you with no hesitation," Jarrod said threateningly. "My patience is very thin."

"Ye' harmed our student, and our heir. Ye' shall not be forgiven," Syrreth said. Jarrod glanced at him, then quickly raced at Garuga. He flew over, slamming his fists into the shadow dragon's skull. Garuga shot down in a nosedive, with me hanging on tight to his hair. Looking up, I jumped, flames shooting from my feet and pushing me high through the air. Jarrod swat at me, but I moved nimbly and landed on his arm, running up. "You bug!"

"Don't become a dragon then!" I yelled back, jumping sharply, aiming directly for his chin. Flames swallowing me, my fist connected with enough force that he jerked his head back from the force. I continued upwards, with Syrreth landing a light swallowed fist to Jarrod's right cheek. Porrelth roared, spinning and kicking Jarrod's left side. I flipped forward, extending a leg and letting flames burst around me. Connecting to the top of his head, the flames expanded, giving me more force and pushing me down. Jarrod growled, reached up sharply, and gripped me, smothering the flames. "There's only so much a bug like you can do."

"Let the boy go," Porrelth yelled furiously, charging at us. Jarrod roared at him, and jerked sharply to the side, his grip on me tightening. Porrelth stretched his arm, flaws swallowing his claws and cutting deep through Jarrod's leg. The human turned dragon roared in pain, and glared hatefully towards the fire dragon. With a outcry, he sped at Porrelth, releasing me from his hold, letting me plummet to the earth below. Syrreth or Garuga could've raced to grab me, or I could've used my flames to propel myself upwards, but the thought was lost on all of us.

A massive tearing sound echoed in my ears, rattling the air around us, and sending fearful chills down my spine. My eyes widened, as did Syrreth and Garuga. Porrelth's eyes were wide like orbs. He coughed, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. We would've moved then, or let the image of the injury be, if it wasn't for the fact that it wasn't something small. Jarrod tore the entirety of Porrelth's right side apart from the rest of his body, and his arm was between his jaws. Jarrod spat out the limb, the dead arm falling faster past me towards the ground.

"I warned you, do not interfere..."

Porrelth dropped like a rock, through and dispersing the clouds, into the forest below us. Jarrod took a deep breath, and before my very eyes, released a magic roar, that not only swallowed Porrelth, but completely eradicated the forest around him. The last thing I remembered before blacking out, was the three of us calling out to our fellow fire dragon.

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