Chapter 45: The Dragon of Death and Destruction

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There could've been so many other things I would've prepared for. A demon, another Fallen Angel, hell, maybe even a demented God. A Dragon, was something I hadn't expected. Garuga told me once it was possible for Dragons to hold human shape, at the cost of limiting the magic they could use in that state. He, and the other two, had human forms that they rarely use. The only time they take part in such is when they need to keep a closer eye on humans. Other than that, they're always in their scaly forms.

I regained my composure, groaning from the pain that rocked every nerve in my body. Jarrod landed across from me, wasting no time in racing up and kicking my side. I tumbled, then jumped to my feet, breathing heavy. So much for the shower.

My body was covered in dust, scratches and such along my arms and legs. I wiped the small trickle of blood from my lip, prompting Jarrod to break out in a laugh. "You look like an animal!"

"Think this is funny! You just wrecked the guild!"
His smile faded. "I know. I was hoping to destroy you with that one attack.. Didn't work out like I planned." Standing up right, he cracked his knuckles, then his neck. "That's your fault though.. So, I have to make your death all the more painful."
I caught a glimpse of Zhaniah on the second floor, her hands gripping the railing. "Jarrod! What the hell are you doing!"
"Keep out of this, Dear! I'm saving us all."

I gave him a questioning glare, brushing the dirt from my legs (The towel flew off from the impact). "What do you mean saving them? I'm no threat to anyone here."

"I know all about you. Your past, how you got everyone warped into your little scheme. Planning mind games with your "friends"." He took a step back. "You're twisted. Evil to the core."

"You're an even bigger idiot than I thought if you think that. Where, pray tell, did you hear anything of me at all, huh?"

"Beowulf," He replied shortly.

My voice caught in my throat, and I stiffened my jaw.

"Not just him, Luna, and Amaterasu. The three who are out to stop you, and stop your twisted games." He closed his eyes, opening his mouth to speak. In that split second, I dashed up, flames swallowing my fist, and knocked him back, hard into the other side of the guild, that was still standing at least. "Enough of your crap. Do some actual research before you start talking."

He stood, as if my attack was a light tickle to him. "They gave me enough power to deal with you, and I will. The power of the most dangerous Dragon.."

"Destructive Dragon. Heh, that's just a title. Only thing you ruined my home."

He jumped up, racing at me. As he moved, he waved his arms, beams of magic shooting at me. I leapt out of the way, racing towards the bar. Skidding to a stop, I grabbed a stool and hurled it at him, making him stop in his tracks. Jarrod stopped, ducking underneath. I scaled to the top of the bar, then jumped over him, coming down with a flaming kick. He caught my ankle, jerked sharply, and slammed me into the wooden floor, momentarily knocking the air from my lungs. Masking the pain from the impact, I used my free foot to catch his shirt, and toss him high up. "What's wrong! That all ya got?!" He dived down, slamming on my ribs. I could feel a couple shatter, and coughed blood. "As strong as you think you are, you couldn't compare to an actual dragon."

"Actual.. Dragon..." I spat in his face. "You're nothing.. But a fake."

He kicked me aside, magic building in his palm. "I've played with you long enough." A beam shot at me, and for a moment I thought I'd actually lose to this guy. When the beam never struck me, and explosions rocked to my left and right, I looked up, partly shocked and the other part thankful, to see Zhaniah standing in front of me, her spear draw and the blade sizzling slightly. "Keep off."

"Why are you protecting him! You know what he is!"
She remained quiet, then turned and helped me to my feet. "Thanks... When'd you become a badass?"

"Bite me." The two of us faced Jarrod. There was a hint of hurt in his eyes, but it was masked by a growing anger. "Betrayal.. How dare you.."

"I've done nothing wrong. You should really rethink whatever you've been told."

"Yeah!" Cynthia's voice overhead. "Mama's not as evil as you think! Though.. He may be a pervert."
I Ignored that little comment, rubbing my ribs. It felt like they were healing, but I couldn't risk another blow to my side. I'd have to be careful, and play it safe. My foot subtly etched to the side. My focus was on Jarrod. My eyes were locked, studying him, looking for some type of opening. Even in his anger, he didn't leave himself open. I swore quietly, yet Zhaniah remained calm. "Don't focus on finding an opening with him. He hits hard, but he's not fast."

I glanced at her. "Speaking from experience?"

"Sadly." She said. I focused my senses, searching for Ashley, Julienn, or even Garlos. Any of them would be a good addition to this fight. The three were further back, moving frantically. I guess they were helping the wounded, meaning it was just us.

"I'll rush him," I suggested.

She looked at me. "No. I'll do it. I can cut through his magic no problem. Once I do that, take any shot you can."

"You sure you can do this?"

"The moment he attacked you, he was dead to me. I don't care for the reason, anyone hurting my friends will pay with their lives. If I hesitate, just plow through me." Her voice had gone cold, practically emotionless. Scary, but exciting. I just hope she doesn't change again. Zhaniah waited a moment, then charged forward. Jarrod cast aside any doubt, working calmly, and launched beams of magic. Spinning and swinging her staff, she raced through, cutting the magic part, dodged and leaping across and from the rubble. She flipped onto one of the support beams, and jumped forward, the blade of her staff aiming directly for Jarrod's throat. I watched a moment, then switched to look for the magic traces with my eyes. He had his hands down, as if he was charging a beam from there. Instead, all magic traces were racing for his throat.

"He's gonna..." I moved then. On my feet, I wouldn't make it in time. I knew that. I was hesitant at first, but her safety came first. Willing the darkness inside to the surface, shadows swallowed me, and violet flames burst around me. Darkness stained my skin and hair. I dove into the shadows, dashing along the darkness of the rubble.

"Sorry, Dear. If you're on his side, you're my enemy."

"If that's how you feel," Zhaniah growled. Jarrod opened his mouth at the last second. It was too late to dodge it, Zhaniah was too close. I shot up from the shadows, cutting at his side. He roared upwards in pain, his magic shooting through the roof. Zhaniah pierced his shoulder, knocking him to the floor and tumbling forward. I flipped, landing on my feet, and looked at Jarrod. His roar stopped, and he was clutching his side, glaring hatefully. "Damn you.. Damn you a hundred times over..."

"Don't start sounding like a generic villain," I said. The shadows danced around me, flowing, my hair dancing with it. "You can still walk away. Leave us be."

"You land two hits on me and think you've won.." He stood, laughing quietly. Blood seeped through his fingers, hitting the floor. "Oh, that's rich. That's very rich.. I don't think you realize the position you're in."

I watched him uncertainly, releasing my shadow fueled state and hair dropping. "The hell do you mean?"

"I'm sure you know. Dragons are creatures of amazing magic. You've heard that they can hold humanoid forms, at the cost of the amount of magic they use.." He lowered his head, laughing quietly.

"... No... No way.."

"Oh yes. If I was such an issue now.." He rose his head. Half of his face was covered in black scales, and his eyes were slit like a lizard's. "Imagine me, when I release this restriction!" A pillar of light exploded around Jarrod. The force blew the rubble away. I clutched the floor, holding on tight to keep myself from flying back. The light grew bigger, Jarrod's mad laughter ringing in my ears. Two massive, black wings shot from the light at both sides, flapping heavily. Next, two legs, then a body, and finally, a dragon head, stretched long and eyes void of pupils, but red in color. Jarrod took off towards the sky, roaring loudly, the ground shaking from the force. The Dragon has awoken!

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