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Danielle's POV
My alarm went off and I groaned cursing that school started so god damn early.

I turned it off lazily getting up and grabbing jeans and a twenty one pilots t-shirt and finally getting panties and a bra and starting the shower.

I let the hot water run down my back and soak my whole body and hair before washing.

When I got out I grabbed the fluffy black towel awaiting me and wrapped it around me drying off.

After getting dressed I put on some socks and then my high top converse and then grabbed my skateboard deciding I'd ride it today instead of taking my car.

I walked downstairs seeing my brother eating cereal "hey Jacob" I greeted him.
"Oh hey Dani" he said looking up at a moment before eating his breakfast again.
"What's up?" Jacob asked.
"The sky" I replied.
"Smartass" he muttered slurping his milk from his cereal to be annoying.
"Ugh stop doing that, it's disgusting and annoying" I said groaning, and to my annoyance he slurped louder.

I walked into the kitchen fixing me some captain crunch and sitting with my brother who had fixed him some more Frosted Flakes.
"Why do you have two bowls a day" I asked giving him a weird look.
"Don't you know Dani?" Jacob gasped "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" he said giving me wide eyes.
"That doesn't mean have two bowls a day Moron" I said rolling my eyes.

Jacob leaned over hit my shoulder playfully "ow that just hurt so god damn bad why would you do that" I deadpanned.
He glared at me and I laughed "FYI I am not a moron" Jacob said flipping his head to the side and closing his eyes as if to say I'm-ignoring-you-now.

I laughed more at how much that reminded me of the girls at school.

When we left for school Jacob decided to ride his skateboard with me so we raced to school on our skateboards and since I had more experience with skateboarding then him I ended up winning and the look on his face was legit priceless that I laughed so hard.

I walked into school and Jacob and I separated to go to our lockers. I walked to mine and grabbed my morning books and people were starting to swarm through the hallways to get to there lockers.

I searched for a certain brunette named Mia and finally spotted her brown hair and she looked really upset for some odd reason.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, Mias hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing leggings and a white sweater and black if boots.

She looked at me her eyes glossy. "M-me and J-Jeremy got into a huge f-fight last n-night" she said her voice shaky and she was on the edge of crying.
"Awe come here" I cooed hugging her and she sobbed a little.

"What happened?" I asked.
"I don't know we were fine on the date and then when we went to this club and he started paying attention to this other girl named Scarlet and it hurt so fucking much and then it went downhill from there and I'm worried hell break up with and I'm so god damn In love with him it should be a crime" she sobbed and hiccuped.
I hugged her tighter and rubbed her back soothingly.
"I'm sorry, he won't break up with you I'm sure" I said soothingly while she sobbed a little.

We still had five minutes before having to be in homeroom "here c'mon lets go get your face cleaned up" I said and she nodded letting me guide her to the girls bathroom.

I helped Mia clean up her face and then brushed her hair out with the extra brush I had and then let her use my makeup to do hers.

We somehow managed to do all that in five minutes to so we were all good. When we got into homeroom our homeroom teacher Mrs. Qin in which we were with for only 10 minutes took attendance.

Mia and I changed the subject of Jeremy and we talked about other stuff that made her laugh which made me happy I had managed to get her to forget about him for the moment. To say I was mad at Jeremy would be a lie I was furious.

When the bell rung I stalked towards first period in which was ART, and I had managed to have that with Jeremy and I Danielle Valdez was about to give him a piece of my mind.

I walked into the classroom and plopped down into my seat and stared at the door glaring at it until finally I seen Jeremy walk into the classroom and he looked like he hasn't slept in days.

He seen me and made his way towards me a sat down and his eyes held no happiness except for sadness and i was starting to rethink the give-him-a-piece-of-my-mind-thing because it looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"oh god Dani i messed up big time on mine and Mias date" he said hitting his head on the desk lightly.

"i know she explained what happened with you to last night and I'm very upset with you Jeremy, you know how long she's had a crush on you and you've guys have only been dating for a few weeks." i said.

Jeremys and Mias story was very cliche honestly, Mia had a crush on Jeremy since we were both 12 and now since were in high school  stuff started to happen and started to bring them closer they started getting into kissing when Jeremy started to tutor Mia in Math because she was failing and yea then just a few weeks ago they started to date and this happens.

Jeremy laid his head on his desk and starting beating himself up again "Jeremy your not going to break up with her right?" i asked him unsurely.

"Hell no i was worried she was gonna break up with me" Jeremy said.

"Then that makes to of you cause thats what Mias worried about" i said.

"oh god I've gotta talk to her soon i can't let her feel that way because of me" Jeremy said.

"Thats the spirt don't make my best friend feel like shit" i said patting his back.

The bell rung and Mrs. Tester walked in.


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