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Danielle's POV
"C'mon Rose get the hell up!!" I say as Rose wouldn't wake up and was shutting me out.
"Mhmmmm no!!!" She yelled her voice muffled since she was covering her face with the pillow.
"Fine!! That's it"

I then proceeded to grab the blanket and ripped it off her along and you know what she did? She just covered up with the pillow.

"Fine I guess you won't be able to give Alex and Chanel a talking to " I say waving my hand and going into the bathroom as she immediately jumped up grabbing cloths from her bag and running out of my room to the hallway bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and jumped into the shower myself and getting out and putting on dark washed skinny jeans and a black spaghetti strap along with a lacy black jacket that had no sleeves at all.

I walked out slipping on grey vans and Rose walked in she was wearing skinny jeans, black and white converse high tops, and a grey shirt with a black leather jacket.

"Ready?" I asked Rose and she nodded so we grabbed our bags and walked downstairs where my brother was eating captain berry crunch and watching the news.

"See ya I gotta go help Rose get her schedule" I say and my brother looks at us.
"Uhhh mom went and talked to the school and since you too never see each other she got your guys classes arranged to the same" he explains slurping his milk obnoxiously.
"Ok and stop that it's disgusting" I say hitting Jacobs shoulder.

We leave and when we get to the school a few people immediately bombard Rose with questions about California and how they missed her.

I grab my friends hand saving her from the violence of questions.
"Damn dem people crazy" she says outta breath.

We walk inside and go to the office. The secretary Mrs. Calentè looks up and her face lights up at Rose.
"Ahhh Rose the trouble maker how's California?" She asks and Rose smiles.
"It's ok I guess I miss Miami though" Rose sighs.
"Well here's your schedule you should have all the same classes as Danielle so no worries was your guys moms requests"
"Mkay bye Mrs. Calentè" we wave walking out.

"You can share my locker with me ok?" I say and rose nods.
"Eh doesn't matter I was gonna make you share your locker with me anyway" Rose winks and I roll my eyes not a surprise.

When we reach my locker Mia comes up and jumps on my back making me almost fall.
"God dammit Mia stop with the surprise attacks you gonna kill me one day" I laugh.
"Hm well I have fun with them" she says flipping her hair behind her shoulders.

I shake my head unlocking my locker as Rose and Mia say hi and stuff, Rose and Mia weren't all that close they were more like acquaintances really.

"Hurry up Dani Dan I got people to talk to" Rose says kicking me in my ass.
"Hey!" I say slapping her shoulder and letting her out her afternoon books in a separate section of my locker so they don't get mixed up.

Roses POV

I was ready to talk to some people who needed to be talked to so I hurried putting my books in Dani's locker before shutting and locking it for her.

"Well what periods do you have with the two demons" I ask referring to Chanel and Alex. Dani tells me and I nod.
"Well then I guess this is where we depart my love" I say to my practical sister who looks as if she's about ready to object to that.

But before she can I walk away and since I remembered where everything was already I walked to our first period class.

I look around and spot Alexandru and walk over.
"Sup Alex" I nod towards him and his eyes widen.
"Oh my god Rose" he says going to hug me but I put my hand up that says stop.
"Yea sorry no hugs now please explain to me why the hell you broke my best friends heart before I punch you, slap you, and kick you where the sun don't shine so hard you'll never have kids" I threaten and Alex's eyes widen in fear.

"Ok ok before you do any of that I'll tell you the truth come with me" Alex says and walks away to a corner of the classroom.
"Ok so Really Chanel is blackmailing about my past with my uncle who...well...raped me" Alex whisper to where I can barely hear him but I hear him well enough and I completely freeze does Dani even know this?
"Oh who is she threatening to tell?"
"The whole school and I can't have that. But I am in love with Dani and when she told me that was in love with me I wanted to tell her how much I loved her to-" Alex explains but I stop him
"Ok ok to much romance around me right now anyway ill take care of this you go tell Dani everything" I say.
"Wait and how are you gonna stop this" Alex says confused.

"Ok well when I was at this school and I actually lived here Chanel always used to get some secrets out of me about some people since a lot of people in this school trusted me with there secrets even if I was a bitch and was a troublemaker. Anyway so one night Chanel invited me over to her house and so I went just because I was bored and stuff and well I found this USB on her desk by her laptop and when I went to grab it Chanel immediately took it away from me and I seen where she hid it at and me being nosy and stuff wanted to know what it was I took it and when she went downstairs to talk to her mom who had called her. So when I left I went home and plugged it into my laptop and well what I found was so sick I almost threw up. It was a porn video of Chanel and her brother Bill who let me remind you is in college" I say taking a breath.
"What the fuck?" Is all Alex says.

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-Love Jamie xoxo

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