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Danielle's POV
The next few days were quite boring really, Jeremy and Mia made up but decided maybe they need to take some time away from each other but they are definitely still dating.

Alex hasn't been teasing me much like he used to and it's quite odd really at least I found it kinda odd since before he had said Brandon was cheating on me maybe he was mad that I didn't believe him who knows. The most weird thing is though is that Brandon hasn't been around me much lately either so what the hell? Is he really cheating me?

I listened to Mr. Kirk talk about math and just listened quietly not exactly paying attention since I was so caught up in my thoughts.

I wasn't even listening to music in which I did almost everyday. I just sat there fiddling with my hands and thinking.

When I met up with Mia she looked the same every day since her and Jeremy agreed to have some space away from each other equally happy and sad at the same time.

I gave her a smile and we sat down in our seats I couldn't wait till gym because we were playing dodge ball and Mia just happened to also be in that class lucky for me yay.

We listened to Mrs. Paul tell us about what we were going to do today and then she handed us a worksheet we would be doing for the rest of class with a partner and Mia and I immediately chose each other.

"Hey bitch" she smiled widely but it didn't quite reach her eyes and it held sadness.
"Hey" I pursed my lips smiling a little at her.

We got to work on the page and by the end of the class we were done and still had 5 minutes before 5th period and then lunch of course.

We talked until the bell ring before we walked to the next class that we had together and it was English.

We sat down "so have you and Jeremy talked?" I asked her my able to wait any longer and that brought a sad smile.
"Sometimes but it's never long he just asked how I am doing and then I ask him and then we just walk away from each other" she said her smile fading away.

She looked down and the bell rung and Mrs. Wilco walked in and took attendance.
"Ok so today you guys are going to brainstorm ideas in your notebook for an essay" she explained "make sure it's a topic you know a lot about and then when you have chosen a topic start on your rough draft" she said and then we all got to work.
"I'm sure you guys will be together soon" I whispered.
She nodded and continued to write into her notebook.

When lunch came along I wasn't hungry so I just sat down while Mia went and got lunch.

So bored...I thought. I looked around waiting for Brandon and spotted come over and sat next to me kissing me and hugging me.

"Hey" he said smiling at me.
"Hey" I said blushing slightly.

Mia came over and sat on the other side of me. She took a bite of the turkey wrap she had gotten looking at us and then cleared her throat.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked.
"Eh nothing really" I said shrugging and she nodded.
"So how was classes" Brandon asked.
"Oh they were fine, yours?" I said.
"Same" he replied.

He looked around for a moment "aren't you gonna get lunch" I asked Brandon.
"Nah I'm not hungry" he said trailing off a little.

We all hung out a little longer and then Brandon left and it was just Mia and I.

When lunch was over I walked to 6th period that was p.e and I walked into the gym since it was Friday and we didn't dress out on Fridays since our teacher Mrs. Waltz is amazing.

When everyone was inside she walked into the gym.
"Ok class so as you know we are playing, dodge ball but apparently the janitor forgot to bring the dodge balls in so I'm gonna need a volunteer to go get them from the janitors closet" Mrs. Waltz explained and my hand immediately shot up.
"Danielle how about you go" she smiled.

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