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Danielle's POV
I sat there on the swing, sadness had locked me in its dungeon and I didn't even try to make a move to get out. Just say there in silence looking down my hair blocking my face from anyone to recognize. Nothing at all at the moment mattered to me, not that I'd have to be at home at a certain time, not that I had a life and I had to eat, not that I was supposed to call Mia when I talked to Alex, nothing. I felt absolutely empty without Alexandru Cortez.

But wasn't that love? when someone breaks your heart all that love and care you had for them hits you like a train.

Finally I decided to go home and since I was way over the time I said I would be home I'd probably be in trouble. I walked to my car feeling no emotion except sadness.

When I was inside everyone was just about to start eating.
"What happened to 'oh mom I won't be long at all' ?" Mom asked raising an eyebrow.
"Oh...uh I got caught up" I say in a sad voice that I meant to make sound a little happier but failing.
"Caught up hmmm" mom nodded her head.
"Dani are you alright? You look pretty pale" Jacob chimes into the staring contest me and mom were having breaking it.
"Oh yea I'm...fine" the word 'fine' sounded foreign coming off my tongue because clearly I wasn't gone at all.
"I think...I think I'm gonna just go up and lay down. I'm not hungry anyway" I say staring at my feet.
"Ok hon well sleep well then" my mom says her voice sounding soft again and I could tell she was starting to worry about me.

I nod walking upstairs and walking into my room the lump in my throat returning. I got under the covers of my bed and immediately burst into a fit of sobs and tears. Hard. I felt so weak like this and I really shouldn't even be crying, Alex and I weren't anything our relationship was simply to make our exes jealous nothing else.

But since I dug my grave deep when I started to fall in love. When I knew, I should have ended the relationship right then and there.

My sons were muffled but my chest started to hurt from crying so hard. After awhile my sobs started to slowly quiet down. I peeked out from my covers and grab my phone turning on and looking at the time in which read 10:30pm along with a text from Alex that was received an hour ago.

Alex: I Really am Sorry:(

A few tears escape my eyes and I shake my head, roll my eyes  and get out of bed "yea right" I whisper to know one and go into the bathroom and clean up my face up.

I then proceed to unlock my door and open it and look both ways down the halls making sure no one was up but it was just dark.

I walk downstairs quietly and walk into the kitchen, reaching behind the stuff in the cabinet and feel the bottle of vodka I saved after a party a while ago my brother threw while our parents were on vacation.

I take and quietly walk back into my room shutting my door.

I grab my phone and unlock it before looking for Mias contact.
Me: Hey, You awake??

Mia: Yea why?

Me: wanna come over and share our heartbreaks through vodka?

Mia: Oh Dani I'm so sorry and yes I'll bring a few bottles.

Me: K see you soon.

I then open my window and get on the edge before carefully getting on top of my roof and grabbing the vodka and then sit there to wait until she comes.

I decide to open the vodka and then take a long sip sighing as the burning liquid goes down my throat before putting the cap back on. Vodka was my favorite alcohol so I was used to the taste.

I watch Mia's car pull up and she gets out along with a bag that most likely held the vodka and she runs over across the lawn and starts to climb the vines that were on the side of the house. Thank god they were strong enough to hold a person.

Once she was up here she handed me the bag and I looked inside and my accusations were right as there were 4 bottles yay.

Mia grabbed a bottle and opened it taking a sip.
"Explain" was all she said and I nodded telling her everything that opened and by the end I was once again in tears.

We now currently are half drunk and still drinking.
"It's almost as if the two wanted to hurt us so they made a plan" I laugh humorlessly and Mia agrees.

I felt sorta dizzy meaning i would pass out soon and looking at Mia she looked like she wasn't far either.

We started to laugh about nothing in particularly. I could tell dawn was starting to come up as though the Stars were staring to disappear.

"Well we better get inside" I say my words slurred.
"Yeaaaaas" Mia agreed.

Even in our state we still managed to get ourselves carefully inside before we collapsed on my bed and pretty much passed out to make it simple.

Jacobs POV

Something was up with my sister last night I could see right through her lie. So I decided to investigate and when I went to go in her room I heard her and Mia talking on the roof and to say the least I was mad. At my sister for not telling me a goddamn thing and at Alex for making her in this state.

So when I got up this morning I went to go see if they had passed out on the roof yet from drinking because I could hear the bottles clink.

I walked in and they were both passed out on each other so I decided to just leave them but me and my sister were going to have a talk.

Good thing mom and dad were already at work or they'd be in trouble for skipping school so it's a good thing I'm here.

Helloooo what did you guys think? Sad huh? I hate Alex right now(ò_ó) that jerk face anyway.

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-Love Jamie xoxo

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