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Need you guys to read the authors note at the end please!Enjoy! Haha

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Need you guys to read the authors note at the end please!
Enjoy! Haha

Danielle's POV
I sat staring at my English essay in deep thought thinking about what to write next.


I checked the time 9:56am and Alex is gonna come over around twelve to hang out and I need to get this finished before tomorrow.

Crystal was playing a game on my phone laying on my bed so that I could work on this.


I wiped a bead of sweat from my hot room, I had finally finished my essay thank. Fücking. God.

I swiveled around in my chair to see Crystal taking a nap and got up and opened my window letting the fresh air come into my humid room.

I grabbed a white Pierce the veil Misadventures shirt along with black shorts and got into the shower and brushing my hair letting it naturally dry into its waviness.

I did my makeup and put on some black and white high top converse before looking at the time.

12:01pm "k so he should be here any minute I muttered.

There was a knock on the door and opened the door to see aunt Lily.
"Hi!" I said and ran upstairs and picked up Crystal and followed them out to there BMW and carefully put Crystal into her car seat without waking her up, before finally kissing her forehead and shutting the door.

"Thank you so much for watching her" said Lily.
"It wasn't a problem at all" I smiled.

Just then Alex pulled up on a motorcycle and took his helmet off and he looked absolutely fücking hot!

He grinned boyishly at me and I looked at Lily who was getting into her car and she winked at me before pulling out and driving off.

I looked at Alex who was wearing Jeans that hung low on his hips, and a black shirt with a leatherjacket on. To say the least my jaw dropped. Literally. Just kidding that'd been embarrassing but I did sense some drool coming along.

"Ready?" he asked
"Uh yea, we taking that thing?" I asked my face screwing into a disgusted look.
"What you something against sally??"
He asked acting offended .

I rolled my eyes "you named your motorcycle how typical of a boy"

"Shut up a motorcycle as beautiful as sally deserves a name"

"Yea yea whatever" I rolled my eyes.

Alex handed me a helmet and I put it on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

He started the engine and we were off.
"So uh where exactly are we going I asked loudly over the wind.
"It's a surprise" Alex called back.

We drove for what felt like hours before we stopped and the engine was shut off. I looked around and seen we were at a fence at the top of a hill that you could see almost all of Miami oh shoot what if Alex decides to murder me up here. Good bye beautiful world. I may never see thy beautiful light of thy day again.

"Your not gonna murder me up here are you?" I asked Alex narrowing my eyes.
Alex started to laugh "no Dani I'm not gonna murder you"

I nodded and Alex pulled out a blanket and basket from the seat of his motorcycle.

Alex then proceeded to lay the blanket down on the ground and took the basket and sat down with it and opened and then looked at me expectedly.

I sat down to and looked at him and he handed me a sandwich that had ham, cheese, and mayo on it.

I laughed at the apple juice box he handed me along with an apple.
"What? Just making sure your healthy" he said shrugging.
I laughed more before taking a bite of the sandwich and then sticking a straw in the juice box and taking a sip.

I looked down at the city and watched the cars that looked like ants move around going places they need to go.

"Its almost like were all puppets" Alex finally said.
"Huh" I looked over at him.
"Well people tell us all the time to do stuff and whether we do it or not is up to us but it seems we always seem to do it anyway"

I nodded agreeing cause it seemed to be true."yes I see your point I guess"

We were once again joined in comfortable silence while we ate as I stared down at the city the more what Alex said seemed to be true.

My mind then wandered to what I felt about Alex it was definite I was fallimg for him. That much was true.

But thing I feared most was if he didn't feel the same for me. The thought made me shiver to the heart.

I shook any of those thoughts away not wanting to bring them up to the surface again and looked at Alex who looked deep in thought. He seemed to be deep in thought alot lately I wonder whats going through his mind at the moment, actually what goes through his mind all the time.

When we were finished Alex asked if I wanted to go for walk and I agreed.
We walked down a trail passed some trees. Alex grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined and I swing our hands.

"Sooooo" I said looking over at him.
He looked over at me smiling and I smiled back at him.

Without saying a thing he turned to me and I turned to him and he grabbed my other hand before leaning in and kissing me slowly but passionatly.

So sorry guys I haven't been updating I've had serious writing block and stuff unfortunately so honestly if you guys could I could use some ideas so if you have any for the story message me through wattpad or even comment them either way is fine. Hope you enjoyed!

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-love Jamie xoxo

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