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Danielle's POV
When I woke up the next morning I looked around not recognizing my surroundings, until yesterday's memories came rushing back to me.

I looked to the side and seen a sleeping and naked Alex that had a sheet covering that one place where the sun don't shine.

Oh god what have I done i acted out of impulse I wasn't thinking straight why would you do that Dani why?

I quietly got up without waking him up and slipped on my undergarments and yesterday's cloths and quietly walked out and then once I got passed that I ran.

I ran out the door and my thought was how guilty I felt at that moment. I walked the hour walk to the school that would have only token 20minutes by car.

I got into my car and drove out of the parking lot. It was Saturday so I wasn't to worried except for the fact that I f*ucked Alexandru Cortez and then left him the next morning and now he'll probably hate me.

Damn I felt guilty big time for just leaving him but I shouldn't have f*ucked him either.

I should have just said no yesterday when he told me what he would do. I won't lie it was amazing but I had just found my ex-boyfriend now and Chanel about to f*uck and it hurt real bad and I wasn't thinking straight and that shouldn't have happened really, I should have just turned him down and then found Mia for comfort where I could cry all the pain on her shoulder.

I pulled into my driveway and got out feeling a little $ore might I say and walked a little funny.

I unlocked the door with the key I had in my backpack that I had in my car and walked inside.

My mom came bounding down the stairs and when she seen me she came running towards me and threw her arms around me "oh Dani I've been so worried where have you been? What happened?" She demanded.

"Chill out mom I was at a friends house, I uh caught Brandon cheating on me and need comfort" I explained lier you were getting him erased from your brain.

"Oh Dani" she said and hugging me tighter.
"I think I'm gonna go get cleaned up" I cleared my throat.
She nodded and I walked up the stairs and Jacob seen me and he looked worried.

"Dani! Oh thank f*ucking God what happened to you?" He asked hugging me. I was hesitant on the catching Brandon thing but I knew he needed to know even though he'd be livid.
"Im fine I was at a friends house I caught Brandon and Chanel making out not far from doing it when I went to get the dodge balls for gym" I explained a tear running down my cheek but I wiped it away quickly.

"What. The. Fuck" Jacob growled.
"It's alright Jacob calm Down" I said setting my hand on his shoulder.
"No it's not Dani he f*ucking cheated on you that not alright one bit" he gutted out.
"He's not worth it" I whispered.
"He is when he broke my sisters heart I specifically told him when you guys first started dating if he broke your heart I was gonna mess him up and I never break my word Danielle" Jacob all but growled out.
"Jacob please I don't need drama I just wanna take a shower and not deal with another ex-boyfriend with a broken jaw and nose" I said another tear rolling down my cheek.
"Fine just this time but just know he's dead to me and he will get a punch to the face on Monday" Jacob said and I nodded he deserved at least a punch to the face.

I walked into my bathroom in my room and looked into the mirror grimacing at myself.

My hair was in different places and had a rats nest while there was mascara and eyeliner smeared on my face.

I brushed out the rats nest and cleaned my face before getting into the shower and started to sob.

I was angry and sad angry at myself because of what I did when I left Alex and broken hearted and sad because my boyfriend of 2 years cheated on me. Alex was right the whole time and I should have known with the signs, the phone, the always busy, and the lies he fed me.

It sucked I've been broken hearted before though and this time was just as excruciating if not worse.

I'm really starting to think there's something wrong with me because it seems all the boyfriends in my past which was only 3 that I was intimate with left me.

2 of them now 3 cheated on me and then the last moved away and he had learned from experience that long distance relationships never really work out for him so we broke up it at least he hadn't cheated on me.

I decided it was time to wash when my fingers started to prune making me look wrinkly and got out wrapping a towel around me and getting dressed in short yoga shorts and a oversized t-shirt and then turned on my tv and watched the DUFF on Netflix and ate Pringles. Feeling, guilty, broken hearted, and unwanted.

After watching the Duff I watched Diabolic Lovers(Anime) on Netflix and ate Pringles, and cried in my brothers arms a lot over the weekend and when Monday came I definitely wasn't looking forward to it.

Shorter and boring I know but this chapter is more of how Danielle is feeling about everything but there will be dome drama in the next chapter.

I've only seen the Diabolic Lovers anime first episode but I loved it anyway. For those who don't know Anime is Japanese cartoon and yes they have it in English to.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter:)

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-Love Jamie💙💙

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