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Danielles POV
I kissed him back just as passionately. Alex grabbed my ass making me moan into his mouth and he smirked, squeezing my ass making me jump and turning me on.

"I-i thought this was supposed to be a friend date" I said breathlessly pulling back a little.
" well maybe I changed my mind he smirked and grabbed my hand so that we could continue walking.

We walked in comfortable silence and listened to the sound of nature.

As Lao Tzu says "let nature take its course in life and always live In peace" (A/N: that was quotations for the quote Dani didnt actually say that aloud)

Lao Tzu was of course my favorite philosopher since he was peaceful and was chill. Literally.

I looked at Alex who was staring at me and I burst into laughter when he ran into a branch from a tree since he wasn't watching where he was going.

In fact I laughed so hard I had to sit down on the ground cause my stomach hurt.

"T-that was h-hilarious" I laughed while Alex stood up dusting himself off and glaring at me.

He then rolled his eyes and went to keep walking but slipped and fell down again and I died from laughter I could only imagine my grave stone.

R.I.P Danielle Corvet Valdez
Cause of Death: Laughter.
You will be missed.

When I finally sobered up we started to walk again and this time Alex wouldn't look at me which made me laugh a little since I could tell he was most likely worried about falling on his ass.

I looked around at the trees and listened to a few birds chirp before glancing at Alex again who looked deep in thought.

"Soooooo" I started off trying to make sense of a conversation but didnt exactly work since Alex didn't hear me.

I rolled my eyes and stopped, fml he just kept on walking not even noticing how I wasn't walking with him.

So I decided to mess around a little and leaned against a tree and watched to see how long it would take Alex to notice I wasn't there with him anymore.

When he got at least 13 feet he looked over and noticed I was gone and looked behind him and seen me.

Alex gave me a annoyed look before walking back over to me.
"Why did you stop?" he questioned.
"I wanted to see how long it would take you to notice how I was gone fyi it took you 13 feet." I shrugged pushing off the tree.

My phone all of a sudden binged and so I pulled it out and looked at a super long text from none other than Mia.

Mia: Dani I need you my heart is by far none other than broken I don't know what to do and I need you here with me so that I can scream and cry because my life is falling apart. Last night I gave my virginity to Jeremy and than he told me he didn't want me anymore like an hour ago and I don't know what to do and than I just...I need you. Please.😭😭😭😭

"Shit" I muttered.
"What" alex questioned.
"I need to get to my car fast something came up and it'd be nice if I could just attend to this please can we do this another time" I pleaded with Alex.
"Oh yea if course lets go"

We pratically ran and got everything cleaned up before we got into the car which was a quiet drive to my house where I would get in my car and get to Mias as fast as I could.

I felt very anxious and I was shaking worried sick about my best friend/sister.

When we got to my house I hurried said good bye and jumped outta the car and ran inside to grab my car keys before running back out and getting into my car and driving to Mias house.

I shut the car off before taking a deep breath and decided I was prepared for a long night and got out walking inside her house.

I walked upstairs to her room and knocking and then walking in to see Mia laying on her floor curled up in a ball with a bucket of chocolate ice cream and her makeup running down her face.

I hurried and shut the door locking it before running over to her and getting on my knees and prying the icecream and spoon from her hands and then setting them on her dresser and grabbed the tissue box and cleaned her face up and hugged her to me..

She cried harder "why" she sobbed "why me"

I rubbed her back. "C'mon" I helped her stand up and lay down as she cried into my chest and before I knew it watching my friend in such a vulnerable state made a tear fall down my face and I hugged her just a little tighter as she cried through the heart break.

Well before yall tear my head off for not updating I have a reason and here they are.
1) Writers Block
2) its the end of the school year meaning tests and stuff.
So yea any ideas please dm them to me or comment it'd be helpful! Thanks!!

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-Love Jamie xoxo

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