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Danielles POV
I woke up and to sunlight streaming though Mias room and looked over to see Mia cuddled into my side and smiled. I loved my best friend.

I carefully got up managing not to wake her up and walked downstairs to see her parents had already went to work and started the coffee machine to make coffee before putting some bread in the toaster machine and rubbed the sleep outta my eyes. I know what your thinking but a long time ago during  the dinasour ages Mias mom and dad gave me permission to treat there house as if it were mine. Thats true minus it being before the dinasour ages. Lol.

When the toast popped up I put them on the plate and then put some butter and jelly on it.

Mia then came down a depressed look on her face and sat at the seat against the island.

I poured her some coffee and put just enough sugar and creamer just as she likes it and set it in front of yet along with toast.

Finally I fixed me some coffee with creamer and sugar along with toast and sat in front of her.

I felt saddened as I watched Mia stare into the abyss of her coffee and knew she could most definitely go into depression over Jeremy. :(

I swear if I see him I'm gonna punch him in the face so he better not ever come close to me.

"Mia...?" I said unsure. That's when I saw a tear fall into her coffee sending ripped all the way to the walls of the coffee mug.

"Y-yea" she sniffed looking up at me. I chewed my lip looking into her eyes that held a sea of sadness.

To be honest at that moment. After all the years I've known her. At that moment I wasn't sure what to do or what to say.

She stared at me for a moment expectantly "its gonna be alright ok, well get through together" I assured her.

Mia nodded " thanks your a great best friend ya know?" she smiled slightly. I would hope i would seem like one...

We then sat in silence for a minute or two "hey wanna go to Starbucks?" I ask Mia
hoping to take her mind off this heartbreak, and hopefully brighten her day at least a little.

She looks at me and her lips twitch up a little and she nods "yea, that'd be good, we could catch up a little"

I nod glad my plan worked. "Do you wanna drive or do you want me to?" I ask her.
"Is it alright if you drive?"
"Of course" I smile.
I stand up grabbing our empty coffee mugs and putting them in the sink. Wow and now we're about to go get more coffee.

Mia and I walked upstairs to get ready (thank god we where the same size!). Once we were all ready to go, I grabbed Mias car keys and we headed out the door getting into her Mercedes.

The car ride was silent so far, so I turned the music on. Of course the number one hit song Work From Home by Fifth Harmony comes on. If this was any other day, Mia and I would probably break out dancing and screaming the lyrics like we usually would buuuuttt this isn't any other day so. Mia was looking out the window when I looked at her so I'm guessing she doesn't wanna sing anyway. God, Im so worried about her.

When we pulled into a parking space, at Starbucks I looked around and noticed how there was just a little less than the usual business they get, so that's good meaning we won't have to wait in line forever.

We walked inside and got in line "well at least it's not as busy as it usually is" I say.
"Yea I guess so but its still pretty busy" Mia says back.

After at least 10 minutes of waiting (ugh) we got to the counter where the girl was.

"I'll have the vanilla latte please" I tell to a at least twenty five year old who typed it into the computer thing.
"I'll have the same please" Mia says and the girl says.
"Ok and what's your names?" She asks.
"I'm Dani" I say.
"And I'm Mia" Mia says. The girl nods writing the names on the cups along with vanilla latte and I pay for the coffees.

"You didn't have to pay for me" Mia says.
"Nonsense it's my treat" I say and we sit at a table booth by the window, so that we can wait for our names to be called.

"Why do you always hum" Mia asks.
"Hm?" I say confused.
"I mean your always humming and all the years I've known you I've never actually asked" Mia explains.
"Oh, I've never noticed I do that, although a lot of people tell me I do sorry though" I say blushing a little.
"Oh it's actually soothing really" Mia says.

I look around and see something that I really wasn't wanting to see.
Alex and Chanel holding hands while laughing.

Wow I'm so sorry I haven't been updating I feel so guilty and I do have a reason though. It's just I've really had no inspiration at all really and i know this chapter is boring but I need some distractions to happen to make this book at Least a little longer because I have a plot ready and I know how the books gonna end and everything so there are gonna be some more boring chapter and I'm sorry for that:( also sorry this chapter is shorter I promise the next chapter is longer.

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-Love Jamie xoxo

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