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Enjoy:) ٩(^^)۶ next chapter is the last chapter.

Roses POV

"Wait so you mean they had incest??" Alex asked incredulously.
"Well let me finish. When I asked her about it Chanel went crazy and started begging me not to tell anyone and that she'd do anything because she was gonna destroy it that day but I kept it anyway and then she was super relieved when I moved away but she doesn't know in back yet and I still have it" I explain and pull out the green usb.
"And your gonna use it against her?" Alex asked.
"Yep" I smile "now get the hell outta my site before I kick your ass" I say making Alex laugh and walk away.

I then walked out of the classroom in search of the certain brunette/blonde.

When I found Chanel she was flirting with some boy but the guy had to go when the bell rang and she was just gonna leave.

I chuckled making her freeze.
"I see your still up to your old ways Chanel" I say.
"R-Rose I-is that you?" She says staring at me.
"Yes Chanel its me" I confirm and I can see her shudder.
"And it's also a yes that I have that use" I say waving it in front of her face.
"What do you want from me?" She asks fear written all over her face.
"Well I heard you blackmailing Alexandru to get him to break up with my best friend and you know that's not fair so if your smart your gonna stop after all that guy you were just flirting with seems compatible to be with" I say darkly and Chanel nods looking down.
"And if I don't?"

"If you don't I will show this to every single person in the whole school so they can see how sick and demented you and your brother are" I snarl and Chanel looks as though she's about to faint.
"Ok I'll leave them alone" Chanel agrees and I nod in victory.
"I'll be here two months and don't think for a second that I won't know if you try your blackmailing thing again trying to break them up when I leave because trust me...I have my ways"

I then proceed to walk away in victory.

Danielle's POV

I sighed as we still had two minutes before the bell rang and so I decided to just start walking class since even though Rose disappeared she knows her way around so I am not worried one bit.

As I was walking I was all of a sudden my arm was grabbed and I was pulled to the side and since I was caught off guard I totally almost fell on my ass but strong hands grabbed my waist before I could.

"Great what the fuck could you possibly want now?" I asked Alex in all seriousness.
"I want to give you an explanation" Alex said breathlessly.
"No thank you" I say going to walk away but he gripped my wrist.
"Please?" He said and there was a tone in his voice that told me I should.
"Why do you have to be such a controlling asshole?" I snarled and he smirked.

"Just listen" he said And so I rolled my eyes and stood in front of him but pulling away my hand since his touch felt like fire on me.
"Ok so Chanel Blackmailed me with my past...and what happened well" Alex lowered his voice "well my uncle he used to...rape me and her mom works as a doctor and she was one of the people to check up on me and so that how that happened and then Rose has something on her in which in sure you already know about" of course I knew Rose told me everything.
"And so in here to tell you that I want to be with you for real this time and I am in love with you and when you told me that you were in love with me I well I wanted to tell you so badly that I was to but I couldn't have everyone in the whole school know about my past in so sorry Danielle and it would make me feel so much happiness if you would forgive me and we could be together" Alex finished a hopeful look on his face.

"I understand that you didn't want your past to be revealed to the whole school and stuff but it would have made all this so much more easier if you would have told me what was going on" I say looking down as tears were building up in my eyes.

"Yes and I wanted to so badly but if I did then she still would have done it" Alex said.

"Yea...but still even if I do understand and trust me I want to be with you to but I think...I think maybe I need a little time to think this all through alright?" I say and Alex's face drops and he nods and I feel my whole heart break.

I then lean up and put my lips on his and then pull away.
"Or maybe I just need today to think this all through and you can have me tomorrow Kk?" I whisper in his ear and he smirks and nods.

I walk away and the bell rings right as I walk into the classroom.

Alex is right behind me and we sit in our seats.

The teacher starts taking attendance and when she's done she starts to teach and Chanel and Rose walk in.

Chanel looks shaken up as while Rose looks as though she just won the lottery. I laugh as she sits next to Chanel and Nudges her side winking at me.

I shake my head.
"Where Have you two been" the teacher asks them.
"We were just taking care of some problems we were having through a. Civilized act" Rose says. Chanel nods and the teacher rolls her eyes and if I know the teacher she knows Rose enough that Rose doesn't take things well through civilized manners.

Wells guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter since the next chapter is unfortunately the end of this book and so yea. Anyway I really enjoyed writing this books and stuff just as I did with Enemies with Benefits and I know some of you out there may not of liked my books and I hope you find a book you like lol and then the people who Liked my books well I thank you so very much and I hope you decide to read the book I'm gonna be starting soon 'not all roses are innocent"

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-Love Jamie xoxo

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