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Danielle's POV
They haven't even noticed me yet. Well... At least Alex hasn't, but Chanel has and she's glaring at me. I roll my eyes just as Alex looks at me and his face pales a few shades.

The girl at the counter calls our names and I tell Mia I'll go get em. I then go up there and grab our coffees, successfully walk past without looking at the two, and sitting back down.

I'm sure knowing Chanel she'll get Alex to go make out with her in the bathroom or even have sex I mean she got my boyfriend to do why not Alex too? Wait why do I care anyway? It's not like we were actually together or anything right? I mean I'm only deeply in love with Alexandru Cortez and now I know he most likely doesn't love me back seeing this.

"Dani are you alright?" Mia asks "you have like a pained frown on your face"
"No" I say honestly "Alex and Chanel are here together" I say nodding slightly towards them. Mia acts like she's looking around casually until she sees them in line.
"That asshole, how dare he do that to you" she growls.
"Hm don't worry about it I'm here for you and me not them" I say when really I wanna cry instead.

She stares at me for a moment, before turning away to drink her coffee. I hear her mutter something under her breath that sounded a lot along the lines of "I don't believe you but whatever" and I just roll my eyes and act like I didn't hear her. I look at Alex and Chanel who were now at a table that wasn't to far away. Chanel was leaning towards Alex like she was so into what he was saying when clearly she was staring at his lips. The lips that in the moment I longed to kiss.

No! Danielle you can't be longing to kiss his lips, I don't care how much you want or need to, he's probably screwing her behind your back. Speaking of Chanel who names there daughter after a brand? Hehe maybe her mom loves the brand soooo much that she talked her husband into naming there daughter the name. I laugh a little at that thought.
"What are you laughing about?" Mia questioned me.
"Oh nothing just nothing just something funny I thought of" I shrugged it off.
"K then" she said going back to sipping her coffee.

I should probably drink mine to so we can get the hell out of here...
"So what do you think I should do? I mean we have school tomorrow and really don't wanna face Jeremy" her words choked out from her throat.
"Well I guess just avoid him and then when I see him I'll make sure and give him a black eye" I growl lowly.
"Dani...you know you don't have to do that" Mia says worriedly.
"Oh I know but Jeremy is a fückboy and fückboys deserve to be punched" I smirk and Mia laughs agreeing.
"Oh yea? Well what about the fückboy over there? Hmmm" Mia says nodding her head towards Alex.
"Oh don't worry about him. We're gonna have a nice long chat"  I say but I can't help but think of how empty those words are...

Mia and I finished our coffees and left while I explained my thought to her about the Chanel name and we pretty much laughed our asses off to where our stomachs hurt.

Around 5pm Mia drove me home and I told my mom about Mias and Jeremy's relationship and that I'm gonna give him a black eye since he deserved and surprisingly enough my mom actually agreed with me about it.

So currently, I'm reading 'My Heart and Other Black Holes' in which I'm almost finished with. But I was having trouble actually reading the book since all I could think about we're how Alex and Chanel were laughing and looked like they were having such a good time and I just couldn't understand how me and Alex go from being on my roof and talking about almost everything and then he is in Starbucks with Chanel none of it makes sense but maybe he planned this...maybe...maybe he wanted to hurt me...

All of a sudden my phone dinged and when I looked at it there was a text from Alex.
Alex:Meet me at the park. We need to talk.

I had always been scared of the words 'we need to talk' so hearing them from Alex terrified me. But none the less I grabbed my keys, slipped on a hoodie since it was a little cool outside, and put on my converse and walk downstairs.
"Hey mom I'm going out I'll be back" I say.
"Honey it's already 8 though and dinner is almost done" my mom argues.
"I know but I won't be long" I try.
"K fine be careful" she says walking back into the kitchen.

I then jump in my Camaro and start driving my head spinning with all the possibilities Alex could wanna talk to me about and my heart beating faster as I get closer to the park.

When I get there I pull into a parking place and grab the keys out of the ignition and sitting for a moment taking a deep breath before getting out and walking to where I see Alex sitting on a swing.

I sit on the swing next to Alex and look at him and then my shoes and for a moment we sit in silence.
"So..." I choke "you needed to talk to me but before you say anything can I say something?" He nods and so I take a deep breath I couldn't think of a better time to confess my love for him and kinda guessing that he's not gonna return it but it's worth a shot right?
"I-I well I'm in love with you Alex and I have been for a week or two now and I think you need to know..." I say trailing off.
"I'm sorry Dani...but I don't love you back and I came to talk to you about that whatever we have now or whatever you wanna call it...is well over I'm going back to Chanel." Alex explains and I feel tnt build on the inside of my heart and exploding and I suddenly couldn't breathe at all. Alex stands up and shoves his hands in his pockets.
"I'm sorry Dani baby. Good bye" Alex leans over and he kisses my forehead his lips lingering a few seconds before he starts to walk away all I can do is watch and smile because it's the only thing I can do to keep the tears back.

I felt so sad writing this chapter it's so sad😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 *Cries* howwww dareeee youuuuuu Alex you know you loved her how could you go back to that bitch Chanel!!!!!!!!

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