Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

October 3rd

"Andy we can't pick gender based clothes for the baby yet," I laughed as he held up a pink baby dress.

"Well I think it'll be a girl!" he answered as he put it in our basket.

Giggling I looped my arm with him, leaning my head on his arm as we grabbed clothes and at some point Andy ended up picking out a beautiful white cot. Biting down on my lower lip I stared wide eyed at the price that came up as the women scanned each item. Panicking I gripped Andy's arm tightly.

"Andy, I can't afford this," I whispered, staring up at him with wide eyes.

Andy laughed, "Babe, it's fine. I'm paying for it," he mumbled pressing a gentle kiss to my temple.

Biting my lip I watched as Andy payed for it, a large smile on his face as he handed me a bag of clothes and bottles, leaving the cot for him to carry.

As we sat in the spare room I watched as Andy put the cot together, not letting me do anything because of the baby.

"Andrew let me help," I whined for the millionth time.

"No," he mumbled.

Sighing loudly I lifted my shirt slightly, tracing small patterns on my small bump. I hadn't really experienced much morning sickness. The nurses all thought I was lucky not to have to experience it that much. Instead, I woke up every morning thinking I was still trapped with Phil with no one to help me...

"There done!" Andy announced proudly as he pulled me up from the ground.

"It looks amazing Andy," I whispered.

"Well, I have a few guys coming over later to bring the other things that wouldn't fit in the car."

"Other things?" I whispered, staring at him in shock.

"Yeah... I got a bit carried away," he admitted with a blush.

Nodding my head I felt my chest tighten with panic and fear. Biting my lip I raced to the bathroom, closing the door and turning the shower on as I collapsed to the floor. Tears stinging at my eyes as I broke down crying, I knew it was stupid but all I could think of was Phil. His eyes and evil smile that never seemed to leave me. Gripping my wrists I scratched at them, over and over making them red raw.

"Al- Alex!" Andy panicked as he knelt in front of me.

His blue eyes full of panic as he wiped the tears away.

"Shit, baby I'm so sorry," Andy whispered, as he pulled me into his arms.

"It's okay, It's okay we can get through this," he whispered, his hand running through my hair as I sobbed into his chest.

A/N: YAY I finally updated! Anywho, I'm hoping to have a cover contest with you guys, you can make a cover and submit it, but it has to be before April 13th. Love you guys xx

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