Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven
That Night

I shivered as I pulled at the sleeves of my jumper. Where the hell was he? He was meant to have picked me up already. I sighed.

"I guess your not coming," I whispered as I started walking to Sophie's house.

I looked at my feet as I walked. Cars speeding past as I walked slowly. I jumped as a loud horn was honked while a large white ute pulled up beside me. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the tinted window as it was wound down. Behind the wheel Carter sat smirking at me.

"Need a lift?" Carter asked teasingly.

"Oh just shut up you goon," I said playfully as I climbed in the car.

Carter pretended the "I'm hurt" look at me. It would've worked if it weren't for that cheerful happy grin that wass plastered to his face.

"Why were you so late?" I asked as Carter as he started driving.

"I had some things to do before hand," Carter replied.

I shrugged. It was none of my business anyway. I was just lucky that Carter had agreed to take me in for awhile. I yawned as we pulled up in the driveway. Carter lived in a massive two story house which was a beautiful white with blue framed windows. It was really beautiful to be honest. I climbed out of the Carter and followed Carter inside to wherever my room was. The only thing I remember was putting my head on a soft pillow and falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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