Chapter 34 - The Fifth (Spider-Man)

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"Your final test awaits," Fury thundered through the speakers.

I tapped my foot impatiently, thinking, Who in the world could it be?

My mind stopped on one face. A face that was new to me, a face I had only just seen today. The face of Peter Parker, of Spider-Man.

I trembled slightly as he appeared near a corner of the room, his bracelet shining like a miniature sun. As the glow faded, I realized he was in his costume as well. Man. I had an advantage over others when I was in my suit and they weren't. So much for that.

I backed up into the corner farthest away from him. I really didn't want to fight a peer, especially with the same powers that I have. It wouldn't be fair; we'd be stuck in battle forever, never tiring, never giving in.

Never taking my eyes off him, I pushed my back up against the wall. Then, I realized I could go even farther away. I pressed my fingertips to the wall as well as my toes, and, still keeping an eye on him, I climbed up into the absolute farthest corner of this room, this "Death Box."

He laughed quietly and flung out a web towards me. I managed to dodge it, but at a price. I dropped to the floor, rolling, and stood.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I began, my mind working overtime. "I mean, please, go ahead, but if you contin-"

"Whoa, whoa, hold up," Spidey said, putting a hand up. "Your 'talk' won't work on me like it did for that Bruce guy. I'm Spider-Man; I know better. You're going to have to try harder if you want to beat me."

Under his breath, so only I could hear, he added, "Play along with me, and I'll help you out."

I gave an almost imperceptible nod. "Oh, great Spider-Man, I am not worthy to fight."

He nodded back, saying, "No, but please try. It will amuse me to see you fail."

I shot a few poorly aimed webs at him, followed by a halfhearted karate-chop, which he easily avoided.

"Now," he said loudly, hoping Fury would hear. "It's my turn."

He sprinted towards me and knocked me to the ground. "Schist," I whispered as he locked me in a full-Nelson. "You're really starting to overdo it."

He gave me a small thumbs-up, and I realized I had been tricked. "You little tiny piece of-"

Breaking off, I kicked him in the face and he stumbled back. I had clocked his nose and it was now bleeding. I only knew this because some of his blood was leaking through his mask and splattering the floor below.

Spider-Man wiped it away as best as he could and came at me again. I dodged easily, but he anticipated the move and swerved to intercept me. Lightning fast, he grabbed my arms and held them behind my back. Peter planted one foot on my head and forced me into a kneeling position.

I struggled with all my might, but he held me fast.

"Fury, she didn't pa-"

"Wait," I interrupted, desperate. "Spidey. I've been meaning to talk to you about something. Give me one minute to talk. Please."
Peter lessened his grip slightly. "What?" he whispered in my ear. "I'm trying to get you out of the Avengers. It would be too much. I'm helping you, just like I said."

I sighed. "I want to be here. I need to... tie up a few loose ends. Anyways, Thor said something about me being your sister. What's that all about?"

He let me go and stared at the ground. "No, you're not. Honest. But he thought you were, because you made your suit with a similar design to mine. He often confuses suits from people. Don't sweat it."

"So will you pass me, or am I going to have to beg?"

Spidey thought about it for a moment. "Are you sure this is what you want? To be in constant danger, in constant fear of enemies who would just love to kill you? To train hard every day, only to find that they're all better than you are? To be pushed to your limit, past it, just to please Fury? Is that what you want?"

I drummed my fingers on my thigh. "Well, when you put it like that... Why, yes, I'd love to!"

Spider-Man removed his mask. "I appreciate how you never gave in. I'd say you're 'worthy.'"

I almost choked on my own breath. "You mean that was all... acting?"

"Well, yeah," he said, his face breaking out into a grin. "I knew you'd never beat me hand-to-hand, so I chose a subtler route. And it worked! So, now tha-"

"Whoa," I interrupted. "I might have just let you win. You never know what I'm capable of. But, please, continue."

Peter cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, maybe," he whispered, winking at me. "Fury, Spyder passed!"

My heart soared. I was going to be an Avenger! I was going to be a part of the group of heroes I always looked up to as a little kid.

I was going to be Spyder, the real one.


Was I a little emotional this chapter? Did I pour a bit too much of my heart out? Was the foreshadowing this chapter too obvious?

The answer to all three: Who cares?

You're still reading, aren't you?

Thought so.

Well, that's all that's important right now. You'll find out the real answers to the above and more... later!

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