Chapter 3: Reminiscences

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"Hmm, this is really good." Niyo comments on the food when she eats it.

Arima, who is sitting across of her in the restaurant, does not reply. He just sits there drinking his coffee and reading a book.

"What do you know about the relationship between the Washuu family and ghouls?"

He pauses, then puts the cup down, "You read the book, didn't you?"

"Do you know anything?"

"Niyo, you shouldn't get involved."

"It's the oblivious that always gets struck down first. I don't want to be one of them."

"You are not one of them. You know more than most in the CCG."

Niyo shrugs and takes another bite of her sandwich, "I'll probably find out during the conference tomorrow with them."

"I take it the talk with the One-Eyed Owl went well?"

"It did. It seems she is trying warn Kaneki about something, I'm not sure what it is, but I suspect it has something to do with the Washuu family, so that's why I am asking."

Arima takes a sip from his coffee, "Nimura told me you were speaking in a special way with the Owl."

Niyo pretends to be unaware, "Can you be more specific?"

"He called it," Arima tries recalling, "The Eto~Miura-sama language. Does that sound familiar to you?"

Niyo frowns, "It does not. It sounds quite made-up to me."

"Yes, it does to me too. Nimura has been telling me a lot of things lately."

"Why don't you kill him?"

"Just endure it for a while longer."

"But what's the point of keeping him around when all he tells are lies?"

"That's the way he is, Niyo. Unless," Arima eyes her like a hawk, "What he is saying is actually true."

Niyo shakes her head, "I don't see how."

"Hm," Arima continues reading his book.

Niyo is aware that Arima does not trust her completely, but he is willing to listen to her no matter what she had done. But all she wants him to understand is that she would never do anything to hurt him. Never.

Niyo glances at Arima's quinque carrier on the floor, knowing that his IXA is in there.

"Don't even think about it," Arima says without looking up from his book.

"I wasn't. Are you still mad that I played with your IXA a few years ago?"

"You nearly hurt yourself."

"But I didn't."

Arima recollects the memories of him walking in on his daughter while she was secretly playing with his IXA. Arima simply took it away and put it on top of a shelf so Niyo couldn't reach since she was only five. But then she went and played with his Narukami, which was even more dangerous.

Arima's grip on his coffee cup tightens when he remembers Niyo nearly activating the Narukami's lightning bolts.

"Father, are you all right?" Niyo watches as the cup is about to break.

Arima immediately loosens his grip, "Yes," he closes the book, "We should get moving."

Niyo pushes the remaining sandwich into her mouth and stands up as well, "About the conference tomorrow, do I have to say anything?"

"Not necessarily. Just speak when you're spoken too."

Niyo keeps her eyes wandering around her surroundings in case if there are any ghoul investigators. She remembers one time Ihei caught them walking home and questioned their relationship. Niyo immediately knew that Ihei was envious because Arima spends more time with a child than her. They got away with it by saying Niyo had late night training. From then on Ihei held a grudge against her, and would glare every time they walked past each other. Ihei is dead now, leaving Niyo somewhat glad.

Arima and Niyo pass by an ice cream stand. Niyo's favorite flavor is Neapolitan ice cream since it has three flavors. She just had an ice cream yesterday, and Arima makes it a rule for her to not have ice cream more than four times a week.

Niyo looks away from the ice cream and fixes her gaze on a dark alley. She sees something there, so she stops and squints. Through the moonlight, she can see a well-dressed man with dark hair wearing a clown mask. Her eyes slightly go wide when she recognises the man's hairstyle, "" she begins saying, but the rest doesn't come out.

"Niyo," Arima stops and walks back to her.

Niyo looks at her father, "I..." she looks back at the alley, but then sees the masked man is gone.

"What were you looking at?" Arima glances at the alley, then back to Niyo.

"I thought I saw..."

"Tell me."

"..." Niyo continues staring into the alley, "...No, it's nothing. Probably a trick of the light."

"You sure?"

"Yes, there is no one standing there, so..."

"You must be tired," Arima turns and walks away from the alley, "When we get home go straight to sleep."


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