Chapter 12: Scent

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Niyo opens her eyes when she hears the doorbell. She slowly sits up, "What time is it?" she unconsciously asks. She then remembers she is not in her own home. She looks down to see Furuta still fast asleep on the bed. She shakes him, "Furuta," she shakes him harder when he doesn't move, "Wake up," she feels like slapping him but that's just mean.

Furuta slowly opens his eyes and sees Niyo above him, "Oh, hi," he sits up and brings his face closer to hers.

Niyo stops him, "Not now."

"Just a quick one."

"Okay then," she feels him kiss her forehead before he checks the time, "What's wrong?" Niyo asks when Furuta frowns.

"We overslept. But how?"

"Let me see," Niyo looks at Furuta's phone and spots a mistake, "You set the alarm to 4 p.m."

Furuta laughs, "My mistake."

"That happens to me too."

The doorbell rings again.

"That's Kishou for sure," Furuta stands up from the bed and rushes to the door.

Niyo eyes wander around the room for a bit before it stops on the Furuta's clown mask, "Oh no..." she runs to the table and puts the mask in the drawer, just before Arima walks in the room, "Hello, father," she holds her breath when Arima sniffs the air.

"Both your scents are thick in the room," he glares at Furuta, "What did you do?"

"He did nothing, father," Niyo speaks up abruptly, "It's true we were in the same room, but we didn't rest on the same bed."

"I slept on the floor. It was comfortable," Furuta jokes.

"Sorry for the trouble."

"Not at all."

When Arima's gaze fixes on the bed, Furuta then remembers about his mask. He jerks his head to the table to see the mask is not there anymore. Niyo smiles and taps on the drawer, indicating it is in there. Furuta smiles in return when he gets the message.

"Did you two just wake up?" Arima asks.

"Yeah, I accidentally set the alarm to p.m." Furuta scratches his head, "Whoops."

Arima sighs, "Maybe I should've let Koori to do this job after all."

Niyo looks surprised, "Ui-san?"

"Just because I made one mistake doesn't mean I'm incapable of having guests."

"Yeah," Niyo agrees, "Remember I made the same mistake?"

Arima stares at Niyo for a while, "You seem different."

"What do you mean? How so?"

"You're livelier."

Niyo shrugs, "I'm just in a good mood," she spots Furuta grinning behind Arima, "So what about my status?"

"They found out, they told me to go there immediately. I came here to get Nimura."

"So do I just stay here for the next few days?"

"Yes," Arima begins walking to the front door. Niyo and Furuta follow. "Make sure you stay hidden. If anyone knocks on the door or rings the bell, ignore it."

"Got it."

Furuta points to the fridge; "There is food in there if you get hungry."

"Since when did you get food?"

"I prepared them last night."

"Thanks. I'll repay you someday."

"You can repay me by letting me kiss you," Furuta whispers, making Niyo a little edgy.

"Nimura," Arima calls from the door, "We're going to be late."

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming."

"I'm nervous," Niyo fidgets with her sleeve, "But I'll prepare myself for tonight."

Furuta smiles, "I look forward to it," he then walks to the door and leaves with Arima.

When the door closes, Niyo immediately buries her head in her hands, "What did I just say? What am I going to do?"

-In Cochlea-

"How could this have happened?" Yoshitoki asks the prison director, Haiseki, while looking at the screen of Niyo's kidnap.

"There is evidence that she was captured, sir. The kidnapper is unknown, but it is most likely the enemy."

"What would the enemy want with Niyo?"

"She is strong, sir. They probably thought it was best to get rid of her."

Just then Arima and Koori walks in, "We have arrived."

"Good. Take a look at this."

Arima and Koori watch the full scene of Niyo's capture.

Haiseki pauses the video when it reaches its end, "So what do you think? To be honest I highly doubt Niyo is the enemy anymore."

"How did the hooded figure know about Niyo's arrest?" Yoshitoki asks.

"Words have probably spread that she was arrested. This could mean you have suspected the wrong person. In other words, the enemy is still within our midst."

"I see," Yoshitoki closes his eyes to think, "We will keep Niyo's status as under arrest, this would-"

"But Director!" Koori cuts in when he finds the decision unfair.

"Let me finish, Special Class Ui, if we don't change Niyo's status it would most likely bring the enemy out itself."

"What do you mean?"

"The enemy would believe he has succeeded, so he will make his move," Arima explains.

"Oh I see, so if we keep this a secret then it would lure out the real enemy?"

"Yes..." Yoshitoki says remotely when Koori just repeated what Arima said before, "We will hold another Special Class meeting this afternoon."

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