Extra 3: Purposely

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"Ugh!" Niyo murmurs when she once again bumps into someone for the tenth time this week. This is becoming a habit. She should really practice on her reaction speed... She looks up to see Furuta AGAIN.

"Helloooo!" he greets and laughs.

"Why is it always you?" Niyo asks suspiciously.

"Aww, come on. Don't you like bumping into me?"

Niyo raises an eyebrow. "No. It hurts." She admits it hurts to bump into people. She hasn't mentioned about this to Arima yet. Now that she thinks about it, the very first time she bumped into Furuta, Arima did seem to be a bit protective when he told her to keep moving. Is something indeed wrong about Furuta?

Furuta's expression shows slight sympathy. "Oh, it hurts? I'll be sure to do it gentler next time."

Niyo looks at him with horror. "You've been doing this on purpose?"


"Stop it," demands Niyo.

Furuta spreads his arms apart. "I'll stop if you give me a hug."

Niyo frowns. "I don't like being touched."

Furuta eyes her seductively. "Would you like me to help you with that?"

Niyo turns away and runs. "Stay away!"

Furuta's laugh echoes throughout the hallway. "How pleasingly cute, but I'm not satisfied yet," he says to himself. The next move he's got planned out is going to be inescapable.

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