Chapter 11: Escape

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Niyo sits in her prison cell in Cochlea, trying to look depressed as possible. There are cameras in the cell so she has to act. She really wants to see Eto right now and tell her what has happened, but seeing the Owl would be risky. It would just strengthen Yoshitoki's belief that Niyo is the One-Eyed Princess.

The worst part of being in a cell is that Niyo has no way to check what the time is. She is meant to be freed at midnight, but how can she know the time when there isn't even a clock in there? She can't imagine how other ghouls feel, especially when their execution is close. Niyo is prepared though. She is fully prepared to get 'captured' and brought out of Cochlea. If only there were some way to check the time...

The prison door opens. Niyo looks up when time passed quicker than she thought. She sees a hooded figure walk into the prison. She already knows who is hidden in the cloak. It is Furuta. She holds back her smile and puts on her best 'fearful face'. She pushes herself against the back wall of her cell as the hooded man makes his way to her.

"W-Who are you...?" Niyo mutters silently. In a way she feels embarrassed to have to act this way in front of Furuta, but it is only for today. When she sees him hold up a metal dagger, she closes her eyes and brings her arms on front of her face. She has never acted this way before. She feels so humiliated. This is just acting, Niyo keeps telling herself. She bets Furuta is currently enjoying the view beneath him.

He brings down the dagger and pretends to stab her on the side of her stomach, but in reality the blade doesn't even pierce her. Niyo falls to the ground and pretends to be passed out. With quick movement, Furuta carries Niyo into a black body bag. When he closes it he secretly asks if she is comfortable, "Are you able to breathe?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Niyo replies silently before feeling herself being lifted into the air. This is the first time she has been brought somewhere without being able to see. She's somehow enjoying it. She just hopes Furuta won't accidentally hit her against something while escaping. He wouldn't do that, he wouldn't dare, she mentally reassures herself.

It is only when Niyo hears the sound of evening bugs that she knows they are outside of Cochlea. She is surprised they managed to get out so quickly. She fidgets with her fingers when she regrets underestimating Furuta's skills.

"You're a great actor," Furuta complements.

"You too."

"How are you feeling?"


Niyo hears Furuta snicker, "I feel like a kidnapper."

"And now you are going to make my father pay a ransom in order for me to get back home."

"Yeah, I'll do that."


"I was joking~" he says playfully.

Niyo feels herself being gently placed on the floor, "Oh, we're here?"

Furuta unzips the bag. He did not expect Niyo's head to suddenly pop out and bump into his, so he gets hit and falls backwards onto the floor. He's in a good mood today so he pretends to be knocked out, waiting for the right moment to prank Niyo.

"Sorry, Furuta. I didn't know you were..." she looks at him, "Furuta?" she crawls to him, "Hey, are you all right? Did I really hit you that hard?" she shakes him, "Furuta?"

"Boo!" Furuta grabs Niyo's arms, making her jump and laugh, "I think it's the first time I heard you laugh for real."

"I'm glad we both made it out uncaught." Niyo suddenly hiccups. She covers her mouth and blushes with embarrassment, "I thought scaring people gets rid of hiccups." She hiccups again.

"Are you excited?"

"...I'm happy."

"Admit it, you're excited."

"No." Hiccup. "I'm happy."

Furuta brushes his finger against Niyo's cheek, "We'll find out later," he stands up, "I'll get you a glass of water."

"Thanks," Niyo watches as he goes somewhere else. She looks around the room. So this is Furuta's home. It's so tidy, she thinks and stands up.

She wanders into a dark room and looks around. Her eyes get used to the dark quickly so she is able to see. Again, the room is tidy. She thought someone like Furuta would be messy and careless. It seems she is wrong again. Or perhaps he cleaned it up because she is going to stay for a while.

She then spots something lying on the table. She cannot tell if her eyes are deceiving her, so she walks a little closer to it. Her heart skips a beat when her eyes are correct. The object lying on the table is a clown mask, the exact same one as Niyo saw that night when she walked home with Arima. She realizes her hiccups are gone. Is it because she is scared? She reaches out and touches the mask gently. Whose side is he on?

Niyo senses a presence behind her. When she turns around she sees Furuta standing only a couple of inches away. She gasps and backs away, hitting the table behind her. The feeling of guilt hits her for wandering around at someone else's home, and even confirming that the owner is a Clown. Niyo knew that already, but just by seeing the mask again somehow makes her fear Furuta. She looks up at him with a startled expression. This guy could be incredibly strong for all she knows.

Furuta gently brushes Niyo's hair away from her face. Her fear is instantly replaced with the feeling of love. Niyo pushes herself away from the table and goes into his arms. Furuta puts the glass of water on the table and embraces her tightly. They both stay that way for a while.

Niyo embraces tighter, "Furuta, I..."

A ringtone is suddenly heard in the living room.

"That must be Kishou," Furuta takes the water and gives it to Niyo, "Stay here."

"Okay," Niyo moves to the bed, sipping the water at the same time. She can hear Furuta speaking in the living room. She glances at the clown mask again. Whose side is he on? She thinks again before Furuta returns to the room.

He sits beside her and holds out the cellphone to her, "He would like to speak with you."

Niyo takes the phone, "Father?"

"Niyo, are you all right?" Arima asks through the phone.

"I'm perfectly fine. So you're still coming tomorrow early in the morning, yes?"

"That's right. So far I've heard no announcement about your escape. You should be safe for the night."

"All right, thanks."

"Could you pass the phone back to Nimura?"

"Sure," Niyo gives the phone back to Furuta.

"What is it?" he asks.

"Nimura, if you dare touch her, I will end your life in the most painful way imagined."

"R-Right..." Furuta says shakily before hanging up.

Niyo heard what Arima said and quickly apologizes, "I'm sorry, he's really protective, isn't he?"

"That's fine. Besides," Furuta brings Niyo against him, "He doesn't have to find out."

"I do have one question though."

"What is it?"

"Well, our age difference is a little big."


"Don't you think it's weird?"

"Everything is weird, Miura-hime," they both lie down, "I've always thought I was weird, but you can't help whom you fall for."

Niyo smiles, "I guess you can't," she leans her head against his shoulder and closes her eyes. She feels Furuta wrapping his arms around her waist before falling into a deep slumber.

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