Chapter 7: Ire Of Fire

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The regiments are already heading to Rue Island. Cochlea is already under strict surveillances and everybody is prepared for combat.

Niyo stands guard in front of Eto's prison cell. The whole time she has been thinking of Furuta. She did not see him ever since her last visit to Eto. She wonders if he is doing okay. He is supposed to be in Cochlea, so a part of Niyo thinks their paths will cross.

Even though Niyo is young, her commanding skills are great. She has already ordered some investigators to standby the entrance of Cochlea in case if anything happens.

All the sudden she hears the sound of slow footsteps making its way towards her. Niyo gets ready to unleash her quinque if it is a ghoul, except for Arima. But if there were a ghoul then there should be alarms by now, and there aren't, so that means whoever is walking to her right now is probably a prison guard or an investigator. Niyo watches as the person steps out from the corner.

"Furuta?" she says rather happily, "It's been a while since I saw you."

"It most definitely has! It felt like an eternity!" he says brightly.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better."

"You are?"

Niyo just realized she has said something she's never said to Furuta before, "Yes."

Furuta smiles, "I was bringing prison food, but I guess she can wait," he drops the container on the ground rushes to Niyo.

The sight of him walking to her with such speed makes her feel uncomfortable, "So what were you up to?" she asks, trying to change the subject, and definitely trying to stop Furuta from crashing into her.

"Ah, since you asked," he grins, "For revenge, I killed her editor."

Niyo silently gasps.

Furuta points to the container on the ground, "That is Shiono-san."

Niyo looks at the container for a while. The memories of how she and Eto met flashes back into her mind.

"Hello there! What is your name, young lady?" Eto asks in an energetic manner.

"I'm Miura Niyo, nice to meet you, Takatsuki-san."

"Oh, how polite for someone as young as you!" Eto takes the book Niyo is holding out to her. "I will make sure I write something friendly!"

"This is a present, Takatsuki-san. I was wondering if you could add a little note to it."

"Of course! Who would you like me to write to, my dear?"

"To my father, Arima Kishou."

Eto's pen stops when she hears those words, "Your father?" she grins, "Arima Kishou?"

"Yes," Niyo immediately senses something wrong, "Is something the matter?"

"Nothing is the matter, sweetie! I was just checking if I got the name right." Still smiling, Eto writes on the book, "Is he a good father? Does he spend lots of time with you?"

"Very much, yes."

"Ah, I see. I thought he wouldn't spend much time with you because he is busy being a ghoul investigator," Eto looks up at Niyo's surprised face, "And the fact that he is," she leans closer, "The One-Eyed King."

"How did you know?"

"I know many things, my dear, no, little princess."

"Takatsuki-san! You're going to scare her away!" says a man rushing over to the table. "You shouldn't go so close to people!"

"Ah, don't worry, Shiono-kun! All is fine, right Miura-san?"

Niyo looks at Eto suspiciously, and then gives Shiono a polite smile, "Yes, all is fine."

"Oh, sorry," Shiono scratches the back of his head, "I thought..."

"Don't worry about it! Miura-san, this is Shiono Shunji, my editor. It's because of him that my books are successful today!"

Shiono laughs nervously, "Ah, no, it wasn't me at all."

"Don't be so modest! Meet my new friend, Miura Niyo!"

Shiono smiles at Niyo, "Nice to meet you, Miura-san."

"Likewise, Shiono-san."

Eto claps, "We're going to be best friends forever!"

Niyo notices she has stopped breathing. Realizing that Shiono died makes her feel so lost. Knowing how much he probably meant to Eto, Niyo fears what might happen if Furuta brings in the prison food.

Niyo feels her rage rising to the brink for the first time. Furuta has gone too far. She grits her teeth and tightens her fists, "FURUTA!!!!"

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