Chapter 8: Confused

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Furuta's eyes widen when he hears and feels something unexpected. This is the very first time Niyo has yelled at him, more or less spoke with him loudly. He feels himself being held. His eyes slowly lower down. He wasn't mistaken. Niyo is embracing him tightly for the first time. He thought she was angry with him. Then he hears sniffling coming from below.

"Niyo...are you crying...?" he asks tensely, not knowing what to do.

Niyo squeezes his sleeve, "It hurts..."

"What hurts?" Furuta sees her put her hand onto her chest, "Is it...your heart?"

"It hurts so much..." Niyo bites her lip to stop herself from making too much noise.

Furuta looks from the container to Niyo, "Is this about Shiono-san?"

"I didn't know if I should've slapped the hell out of you, or let this pass..." she sobs, "I couldn't decide..." she buries her face into his chest, "I don't know what to do anymore, Furuta! I really like you, but I don't..."

Furuta is in a state of shock when he hears this, "Niyo, you..." he wonders if he should be asking this at a time like this, "You really like me?"

"" Niyo takes a deep breath to stop the tears from forming in her eyes, "Yes! I like you! I like you, Furuta!" Niyo suddenly feels herself being slammed against the wall, "Furuta..." she says quietly when she sees his face filled with both happiness and regret.

Furuta brings his face to Niyo's ear, "I'm sorry," he says gently, "I didn't know you would be affected too," he leans his head against hers for a while.

"Furuta, I... I..." Niyo is scared to admit, not only to admit her feelings, but also to admit it at a time like this.

"I know," Furuta puts his hand against her cheek and strokes it for a while before leaning in, attempting to kiss her. However, Niyo turns away before their lips could touch, "Don't want it?"

"Not now."

"At least let me give you a small one."

Niyo thinks for a while before accepting, "All right, just not on my mouth."

"I need you to relax, Miura-hime."

Niyo loosens her grip on Furuta's sleeve. She feels her heart racing when he gets closer. She closes her eyes, expecting the kiss to be somewhere on her face, but instead it is on her neck, "Mm...." She moans when she feels both tingles and pleasure.

Furuta then pulls back, "If Kishou ever saw me doing this he would kill me."

"I won't let him," Niyo looks at the container on the floor.

"You choose."


"I'll let you decide whether I should give it to her or not."

Niyo considers it for a few seconds before nodding, "I think Eto should know about it. Shiono-san was her editor, might as well leave him in her hands. She should know what's best for him."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. I know what you went through. I can't blame you."

Furuta stares into Niyo's eyes, "I let my feelings interfere."

"What's done is done," Niyo gently releases herself from his grasp, "We have an entire ghoul detention center to protect. We should focus on this until it's over."

How could I like someone who just killed a friend of mine? Niyo thinks when she waits for Furuta to walk out of Eto's prison. Niyo has forgiven him, but she does not know if she can still trust him yet. Eto said he is dangerous. Should Niyo heed her words?

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