Chapter 16: Storytelling

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After getting out of a taxi, and being questioned by the taxi driver whether Niyo is going to be all right, Arima carefully supports her while walking to the CCG building.

"I never thought evening would come so quickly," Niyo says while looking at the sky.

Arima immediately knows what Niyo has been doing all day. "Have you been daydreaming again?"

"I was." She stares down at her bandages and the way she is walking. "This is humiliating. I don't ever want to look like this again." Niyo wants to push herself out of Arima's help, but if she walks too quickly without support then she will fall. That would be more humiliating if anyone saw her.

Inside the CCG, they see Koori impatiently pacing around the area. When they walk inside, he immediately turns to them. "Niyo!" He speedily walks to them.

"Ui-san, I wish you didn't have to see me in such a shameful state." Niyo hangs her head low. "Having to act like a fool is truly...disgraceful."

"You are great at acting."

"...These bandages are too tight. I can't walk properly..."

"Here." Koori picks Niyo up and puts her on his back.

"That works. Thanks." Niyo expects to be encountered by Furuta, but he is nowhere to be seen. "Arima-san, where is Furuta?"

"I'm not sure."

Niyo looks to the side, trying to hide that she is sad. But Koori seems to notice it right away.

"Do I sense lo-"

"No," Niyo immediately says when she knows what he is about to ask. She definitely does not want anyone to say her feelings, especially not in front of Arima. She might consider telling him the truth one day, but not now.

"So...what actually happened?" Koori asks.

"Not now, Koori. We're almost there," Arima speaks up before Niyo could. Her worries then change to the people who are going to be in the office.

"Is anyone besides Director Washuu going to be there?" she asks, hoping to hear the answer 'no'.


Niyo sighs in relief. Being covered in bandages really dishonors her, especially in front of someone important. Why is she surrounded by important people anyway? Her mind then shifts to Furuta. She begins to wonder where he is. He did not return home, or showed up in the CCG building. Knowing him, if he is here he would probably have ran to her by now.

"Niyo, get ready," Arima says before they enter the office. He opens the door. Yoshitoki immediately brings up his head and stares at the bandaged girl on Koori's back. "I have found her."

"Niyo, I never thought there would be a day I'd see you like this," Yoshitoki comments on her bandages. "I know this may be tough for you, but I need you to tell me exactly what happened while you were with the Aogiri Tree."

"The Aogiri Tree was..." Niyo pushes herself from Koori's back and stands on her own two feet, hating to be taken care of especially when she is not injured. "They wanted to create another Owl."

Yoshitoki crosses his fingers together. "As I thought."

Yeah right... Niyo thinks but keeps a straight face. "I managed to escape thanks to fa..." Oops. "Arima-san." Niyo nearly blew it up. Her mind is full of shame and humiliation that she cannot even recite the plan properly.

Koori stares impatiently at Yoshitoki. "Aren't you going to apologize?"

Yoshitoki looks for surprised for a second before repenting. "Yes, of course, I apologize for my mistake, First Class," he says and immediately changes the subject. "So who was the intruder who took you out of Cochlea?"

"I'm not sure. His face was covered and it was dark. All I saw was that he had yellow hair."

"I see. So it isn't Kaneki Ken."

"..." Niyo stays silent this time. Luckily she said yellow hair, or else Yoshitoki would've thought the kidnapper was Kaneki.

"Have you heard anything about him during your stay with the Aogiri Tree?"

"Not at all."

"Okay, so that must mean he has escaped somewhere else."

Niyo's eyes roll to the side when all Yoshitoki does is doubt. But where is Furuta? Did he go home? Did she just miss him when she stepped out of his place? Niyo really wants to get out of the office now. She wants to go out and hopefully bump into Furuta on the way. She pretends to yawn.

"You must be tired." Yoshitoki watches as Niyo's eyes barely stay open. "You should head back now."

"Thank you," Niyo says quietly before turning to the door. Koori attempts to pick her up again, but she knocks his hand away and distances herself away from him before limping out of the office. She is tired of being carried around as if she is injured. As if she will ever be!

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