Extra 1: The Very First Sight

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Niyo walks with Arima through the hallways of the CCG building. Niyo was bored so she decided to drop her father off at the Special Class meeting before figuring out what to do later. Just as they turn from a corner, they see somebody else walking from there too.

"Whoa!" he says and ducks away from Arima, but then he bumps into Niyo. "Whoops~" he says merrily. He stares at Niyo. "Hi."

"Hi," Niyo replies. This is the first time she has ever met this person before. She was constantly surrounded by praise when she received training from Arima, but not from this guy, yet.

"Niyo, let's get moving," Arima says and continues forward.

"Right." Niyo walks around Furuta, knowing that he is looking at her every move. She is used to being stared at, but not this intensely. She wonders what is going on in this man's head. She catches up with Arima and inquires, "Who was he?" she whispers.

"Furuta Nimura, a rank one investigator," he replies in the same tone.

Niyo looks behind her to see Furuta still standing there, observing her. Luckily she follows Arima into another hall, leaving Furuta's incredibly uncomfortable gaze. "He...looks like he's hiding something."

"He always is."

Furuta smirks while remaining in the hallway. "My little Miura Niyo," he purrs and licks his lips with delight. "How perfect."

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