Chapter 14: Choice

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Niyo hugs her knees, breathing surprisingly fast, "What am I going to do...?" she is still not prepared to 'repay' Furuta for how he has helped her out. She loves him, but she is not ready for the next stage. She begins longing for Arima to stay with her. She misses him already.

The sound of rain coming from outside brings back memories of her with Arima. She remembers when she was five years old, she was afraid of the thunder. She would always run into Arima's room and jump on the bed to hide in his blankets. It got to the stage when Arima had to carry her back to her room when this was happening too much. Niyo was getting older, so she had to learn how to deal with the thunder herself. She smiles when she recalls herself running back to Arima as soon as she got put back into her bed. She regrets giving him the trouble, but it is still funny.

Niyo's smile fades when she hears the front door open. Furuta walks in and closes the door. Niyo wishes Furuta wouldn't find her so soon, but soon is just a blink of an eye.

Furuta follows Niyo's sweet scent to the couch. He leans against it, finding Niyo sitting behind it while looking out of the window. When Niyo looks up at him, he smiles playfully, "What's the matter? You look depressed."

"Oh, do I?" Niyo tries smiling back, but fails.

"Did you miss me? Or Kishou?"

"Both," Niyo feels like she is too discreet so she tries to talk more, "How was everything? Do they still think I'm the One-Eyed Princess?"

"Nope! They've just proven that you were captured. Although, Investigator Washuu is not happy about the fact that you're innocent."

"I expected no less. He believes kids shouldn't be in the CCG. He would rather have me stay missing and never found."

"Just ignore him. Nobody likes him anyway."

"I can see why."

Furuta notices Niyo's anxiety, "Are you sure you're okay? You don't look good. Have you eaten?"

"...Not much."

"How come?"

"I don't know."

Furuta looks surprised for a moment; "Are you...?" he begins asking. Niyo gets the feeling he thinks she is a ghoul, "Are you one of those girls who don't like to show their gluttonous side?"

"I'm not," Niyo really feels like asking him to cancel the kiss for tonight, but is too petrified to. Furuta has done a lot for her. He deserves some happiness too.

"Come, I'll make you feel better."

Niyo gets a dreadful feeling in her heart when she knows what's coming. Isn't he going to ask if she's ready? She frowns when she begins thinking he is selfish.

"So," Furuta turns around.

Niyo immediately turns her face back to normal again; "Yes?" she sits on the bed.

"Arima will be coming here the next morning. He wanted me to tell you he'll visit you every morning."

Niyo smiles when she hears that, "I'm grateful to hear that. But his surprises never cease to alarm me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, in this case he may unexpectedly show up at night. Probably to check if we're not doing anything dissatisfying," Niyo hopes Furuta will get the message that she does not want to kiss, too bad he doesn't.

"It's not like he's going to find out. Besides," Furuta puts on arm on the bed next to Niyo's leg. He leans down, "He's quite busy for the night."

Niyo squeezes the blanket in one hand when Furuta gets closer to her. She thinks of pushing him away, but what would he think of her then? Should she go through with this? Did her mother feel this way too when it was her first kiss?

Niyo's grasp on the blanket tightens when she realizes Furuta's lips are only about three centimeters away. She feels like shifting back. She feels like avoiding this. She feels like crying for Arima.

Furuta places his hand on Niyo's cheek, automatically caressing it lightly. He then realizes Niyo is squeezing the blanket really tightly. All the sudden Arima's words repeat in his head. Don't upset her. Furuta stops. Then shifts back. Niyo looks up at him, surprised that he is the one who pulled away first.

"I'm sorry," he sits next to her, "You're not ready, aren't you?"


Furuta puts his hand on Niyo's hand, which relaxes and releases the blanket.

"I thought you didn't care."

"Of course I care. At first I wanted you to become my plaything, but that changed."

"I know. Even if you did I would've overpowered you easily."

Furuta pins Niyo onto the bed, "Oh really?"

Niyo smirks and easily shoves him off.

"You're really strong," Furuta sits up, "Even for someone who hasn't eaten much."

"I'm hungry."

"Now you're hungry?"

"The real reason I haven't been eating properly today is because I was worried about tonight. It seems like everything is fine now."

"Kishou told me not to upset you. Those words ran into my mind when I had a hunch you weren't happy."

"I'm glad they did."

They hear the doorbell.

"See? I told you he never ceases to surprise me," Niyo walks to the door.

"Wait! What if it's not him?" Furuta runs after Niyo and stops her from opening the door. "Let me."

"Okay," Niyo backs away into the kitchen, just in case if it is not Arima. On second thought, why not get some food since she's there?

Furuta opens the door and sees Arima. "I thought you were busy tonight."

"It would take me more than a few papers to keep me away from my daughter," Arima walks in, "Where is she?"

"Miura-hime! You can come out. It's Kishou," Furuta calls.

Niyo walks out from the kitchen with a cup of yogurt, "I wasn't hiding."

Arima closes the door, "You should be able to return soon. The Director has given me orders to rescue you tomorrow," he explains and Niyo nods.

"How come you didn't tell me about this?" Furuta asks.

"I wanted to tell her myself."

"Oh really? I can see right through you! You came here because you just wanted to see her, right?"


"Come on! Just admit it!"

"Furuta, you shouldn't mess with your King," Niyo warns, "Or else."

"Yup, I know. I lose my life."


"Niyo, we need to discuss about your return," Arima orders.

"Of course."

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