Chapter 19: Caught

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"Furuta..." Niyo says when she hears a knock on his door. "I think we should stop now..." She moans softly when Furuta continues tracing kisses down her neck. "Furuta, come on, stop," she says and tries pushing him off of her.

"Aww, but we've barely begun," he whines.

"What are you talking about? We've been doing this for hours."

"Hours, yet hardly did anything. Just a bit more." Furuta goes down to Niyo's shoulder, but she holds his chin up.

"That's not the point, I think whoever's behind that door is my father."

Furuta pauses when he hears another knock on the door. "You know, sometimes I mistaken people for knocking on my neighbor's door."

"Yes, delightful, just get off of me, jeez."

Furuta grins. "Make me."

Niyo uses her strength and tries to push him off, but this time he does not budge. She looks puzzled and pushes again with more force this time, but he still doesn't move. That's weird. Niyo was always able to shove him back, but this time it didn't turn out that way.

"Confused?" Furuta brushes his fingers against her cheek. "You should be."

"Furuta, were you pretending all this time to be weaker than me?"

"Oh yes." He leans down to her ear and whispers, "I've got more power than you could imagine."

"Keep in mind that I've got power too," Niyo says, unfazed by his seduction.

"Oh~ was that a challenge?"

"I can defeat Eto."

Furuta traces his hand down Niyo's waist. "You think I can't beat her too?"

"..." To Niyo, that sounds like a hint. But maybe he's just taunting her. She can no longer tell.

The knock comes again, louder this time.

Furuta stops and gets off of her. "I think he's getting impatient." He steps down from the bed and heads to the door.

Niyo sits up and follows. If it is Arima, Niyo will be ready to explain her 'situation' with Furuta to him, knowing that he will be able to notice 'the scent'. She takes a deep breath before Furuta opens the door. And guess what, it is Arima, obviously...

Arima looks from Niyo to Furuta before asking, "What took you so long?"

"Oh, we were just playing," Furuta says and gives a playful smile.

Arima's eyes catch something on Niyo's neck. He frowns and takes a closer look at it. A mark. "Furuta, what did I say about upsetting her?"

"What? I didn't upset her."

"Hey, I'm fine," Niyo reassures.

Arima walks past the door and runs his hand over the hickey. "Then how did she get this?"

"Whoa, that wasn't me," Furuta lies, earning weird looks from both Arima and Niyo. "What?"

Niyo looks at him as if he is stupid. "It's obvious, you know?" 'Stupid idiot...' She mentally calls him when she believes he just made the situation worse. How is she going to explain herself now?

"You two were canoodling, weren't you?" Arima asks, which doesn't even need to be answered.

Furuta smiles pleasantly. "Yeah! And it felt-"

Niyo covers his mouth before he could say more. He really isn't conscious about the situation at all, is he?

Furuta looks to Niyo with confusion and then mimics her action. He brings his hand to her mouth and covers it.

It is Niyo's turn to be confused. She looks at him, her eyes asking him, 'Why did you just cover my mouth?'

He gives her a look, telling her, 'Because you did that to me.'

'What is he? Absentminded?' Niyo mentally says, but smiles behind his hand. 'How cute."

The two of them turn to Arima again, still covering each other's mouths. Arima merely sighs. "I was going to pick up Niyo, but it seems-"

"You're going to let us continue?" Furuta asks excitedly after pulling Niyo's hand down.

"Don't go too far." Arima gives him a serious glare, which is probably the expression he's been doing when he warned Furuta over the phone to not touch Niyo. But this time he says something differently. "If you go too far, I'll put you through the disposal compactor."

Furuta looks surprised for a second before slowly uncovering Niyo's mouth. "Haha... I'm gonna throw up..."

"Then go do it. Not in front of Niyo."

Niyo watches as Furuta rushes to the bathroom and shuts the door. She then turns to Arima. "You said that on purpose, didn't you? You have something else to tell me."

"I wanted to remind you about something. You're still underage, don't forget it."

Niyo smiles. "I know. I wasn't thinking of doing 'that' anyway. But you knew all this time that he is a one-eyed ghoul, didn't you?"

Arima nods.

"I thought I was stronger than him, but..." She takes a deep breath. "What if I can't stop him know..."

"I've already warned him."

"He could end up hating you if you keep on throwing threats at him like that." Niyo looks to the bathroom door. "This is the first time I've seen him like that."

"My goal is not to make him hate me, but to keep you safe."

Niyo walks into Arima's arms. "No matter what you do, I will never hate you."

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