Extra 2: Bump

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"Ow..." Niyo takes a step back when she has bumped into somebody when turning to another corner of the hallway. She rubs her head and looks at the person she walked right into. She becomes very silent when she sees Furuta standing there.

"Hello again!" he says.

"...You again."


"..." Niyo remains motionless when she notices him looking at her intensely again. It's so uncomfortable. "What do you think you're looking at?"

Furuta grins and circles around Niyo with curiosity. "All of you."

The feeling of disgust and rage rises up from Niyo's gut. "You're disgusting," she says and runs down the hallway away from him.

Furuta continues to look at the direction Niyo ran. His grin grows. "How perfect indeed. I think I'll bump into her more often."

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