Chapter 13: Hope

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"As you all have probably heard, First Class Investigator Miura has been taken from her prison," Yoshitoki says to the Special Class Investigators sitting with him in the table.

"Why do you still call her an investigator? Isn't she an enemy?" Marude asks, and everyone in the room agrees.

"There is a matter I must explain to all of you. Through the cameras, and the tireless work of the prison director, Haiseki, Niyo has just been proven innocent."

The Special Classes look at one another.

Matsuri continues to eye Yoshitoki with doubt, "How can you be sure?"

"She has been kidnapped by the enemy. Her condition remains unknown, however, she is not the One-Eyed Princess, nor affiliated with the Aogiri Tree."

"Then can you explain why she visited the One-Eyed Owl's prison cell without permission? If she must've known the One-Eyed Princess wouldn't invade Cochlea, either because she is the ghoul or she is affiliated."

Koori frowns. He feels like speaking up against Matsuri, but Arima taps his leg, indicating him to stay silent.

"Do not forget her age. Her capture includes all the evidence of her innocence, Special Class. Do not foresee it as a coincidence by making unreasonable accusations."

Matsuri glares at Yoshitoki. Before he could speak again, Arima cuts in.

"There is an enemy within our midst," he looks at each and every person in the room, "And until Niyo is found, the enemy will be uncovered."

"Investigator Arima, we don't even know if First Class Miura is still alive," says Aura.

"She is alive. I saw the scene of Niyo's capture, she wasn't punctured in a vital area," Koori looks at Yoshitoki, "We must save her."

Matsuri immediately disagrees, "She may have not been hit in a vital spot, but a child cannot withstand a deep wound in the first place."

"You don't know that!"

"I'm agreeing with Ui," Houji coincides, "She's mostly likely being held with the Aogiri Tree. All we will need is a small team to rescue her."

"I suggest not," Matsuri pushes further, "She's dead."

Koori springs up from his seat, "Stop jumping to conclusions!"

"Special Class Ui," Yoshitoki says immediately after Koori, "Niyo is of no value to the enemy. I fear she's dead already," he tries saying as kindly as possible.

"No! How could you say that?!"

"Please sit down."

Koori sighs in defeat and sits back down.

"I know you are fond of Niyo, but there is another matter we must discuss, about the real enemy. I doubt any of you have realized anyone within our midst."

Everyone exchanges looks and shakes their heads.

"As I thought. I believe that the enemy is not an investigator. He is outside of our walls spying."

"We need to figure out who the hooded figure is," says Haiseki, "He was completely covered up, and left no pieces of evidence behind."

"For now, we must make sure Cochlea is under high alert. No one is to enter without permission."

-After the meeting-

"Special Class Washuu is just pushing Niyo away!" Suzuya rants while walking with Arima down the hall, "I wonder what he has against her. Oh! Maybe it's because she ranked up faster than he did?"

"It's hard to say. No one knows what he is thinking most of the time."

"He's jealous!"

"That could be a reason."

"What if Director Washuu does not approve the rescue mission?"

"Niyo is a strong part of the CCG, and I fear that if we leave her alone she will turn out like Takizawa Seidou."

Suzuya grins, "So I take it we're going to rescue her anyway."

"Not a word about this to anyone."

"Yeah, I know. So when do we go?"

"If the mission is not approved then I will handle this. This is a task I must do by myself."

"Okay!" Suzuya hops somewhere else.

The main reason why Arima finds it so easy to be around Suzuya is because he obeys most of his commands without complaining. Other investigators who care for Niyo would beg him to let them follow, but Suzuya just takes it lightly and runs off.

"Kishou," Furuta catches up with Arima, "When do we bring her back?"

"We'll see if the Director approves a rescue mission or not."

"If not you'll just disappear and pretend to rescue Niyo, right?"

Arima stays silent.

"I've never seen you like this for anyone. It's nice to know you have feelings too."


Furuta stops. Does Arima know about him and Niyo?

"Don't upset her, Nimura."

Furuta watches as Arima disappears down the stairs, "Upset her? How have I upset her?"

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