Chapter 5: Washuu Family

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"Please be seated, Special Class Arima, First Class Miura," says the Bureau Director, Washuu Yoshitoki. Next to him is his son, Washuu Matsuri. Niyo thought there would only be one Washuu in the meeting, not two. At least there aren't three.

Arima seems to have read Niyo's mind, because he gives her the 'everything is going to be okay' face, which is an expression only she can understand.

They both join the large table in the middle of the room. Niyo looks from one Washuu to another. They both look completely the opposite from each other. One of them has a cold, serious expression, and the other one looks more compassionate. Niyo immediately chooses Yoshitoki as the one she would talk to more, since he seems easier to get along with.

Yoshitoki smiles friendlily, "You two look exactly the same, has anyone ever told you that?"

Niyo looks at Arima, who shows no response. She bets it's because they both share the apathetic trait, and that's why they look alike. She does not know how to respond. Maybe she should just follow Arima. After all, she came to this conference because of him.

"From the report we've received from First Class Hogi, we confirmed that the One-Eyed Owl and the One-Eyed King are separate beings," Yoshitoki explains, leaving Niyo and Arima mentally saying, so you finally figured it out, huh? "We concluded that once we dispatch a regiment to Rue Island, the One-Eyed King and the Princess would make their move."

Niyo feels like objecting. In a way she feels incensed that they are speaking her mind. Her anger fades when Arima speaks up.

"And what of the One-Eyed Princess? Was she on Rue Island?" he asks.

"She wasn't spotted, nor the One-Eyed King. We believe they are collaborating somewhere else."

Yes, Yoshitoki is right. Arima and Niyo are collaborating, but not in a way that would harm the CCG.

Yoshitoki turns to Matsuri, "Your report, Special Class?"

"We know they are affiliated with the One-Eyed Owl, who is currently imprisoned in Cochlea. We have reason to consider the detention center as their target in order to release the Owl."

Niyo almost rolls her eyes when she knows Matsuri purposely used complicated words to make her muddled. She does not get confused, it merely takes her a few seconds longer to understand.

"Is it clear?" Matsuri asks a little firmly, eyeing Niyo specifically.

Niyo nods just slightly. When he looks away, she glances at Yoshitoki. He mouths the word 'sorry', because of his son's behavior. Niyo dimly smiles and shrugs it off.

"Because of this prediction," Yoshitoki speaks suddenly," We will need the strongest investigators at our disposal. Special Class Arima, First Class Miura, you two will be in Cochlea to guard the One-Eyed Owl. Arima, I put you in charge of the extermination of the One-Eyed King and Princess if they show up. Miura, you will be in charge of guarding the One-Eyed Owl."

"Understood," Arima and Niyo say together, who earn looks from both the Washuus.

"You two are exactly the same."

-After the meeting-

"I could almost laugh," Niyo says while walking with Arima through the hall.

"At what?"

"At the irony," Niyo smiles a little, "They want us to guard Cochlea from the One-Eyed King and Princess, when both of them are needed there in the first place."

Arima smiles as well, "I won't be needed. We should switch positions."

"You seem brighter. It's because you can finally have time to do nothing, no?"

"Don't try to get out of it."

Niyo looks from left to right when she knows what he means, "Out of what?" Arima stops and holds out a finger to Niyo's head. Too bad she was too late to dodge so she runs straight into it; "Ouch!" she rubs her forehead.

"Our talk about your lack of sleep."

"Right..." Niyo sighs when they reach a private area for them to talk openly.

"Speak. Tell me what's bothering you. Is it about Nimura?"

"No, not at all," Niyo lies, "I've been thinking about it for a while actually."

"About what?"

"I just don't understand. We are not part of the Aogiri Tree; we are not friends with the One-Eyed Owl. I don't get why the CCG wants us dead. We are very much on they're side."

"We are only on their side for one reason, and that is capturing the One-Eyed Owl. She is captured, so now we must maintain it that way until she is put out."

Niyo looks down, "Yes, but what if one of us are found out? What is we get caught? There is no way explanations would work. Nobody in the world, except for Furuta, knows who we are."

"It will maintain that way, Niyo, don't worry. All you have to do is not stir up trouble," Arima brings up her chin, "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Niyo now knows why her mother fell so hard for Arima, it's because of his attraction and the way he uses it. Niyo knows it's awkward, but even though Arima is a guy, she thinks he is somewhat beautiful. She knows she is not the only one who thinks that way. Niyo brings herself away from Arima's grip, "What will you do if I get captured?"

"You will be smuggled out."


"That's where Nimura comes in."

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